A collection of articles, videos and resources to help design products that customers will love...
A few weeks ago, I read this tweet, and found myself nodding my head in vigorous agreement. The Next Feature Fallacy: the fallacy that the next fea... (2015)
Startups are successful in the early days usually for one of two reasons. One is having a unique insight or pain point in the world that you want t... (2017)
Stanford University: Published on May 17, 2017, Peter Reinhardt, co-founder and CEO of Segment, shares his experience on finding product market fit. (2017)
Stripe Atlas: "Scrappily start your sales strategy (say that five times fast). If you build it, they will do absolutely nothing. Entrepreneurs... (2017)
E627: Pinterest product growth lead Casey Winters gives a crash course in growing a startup (or, WTF is growth?) | This Week In Startups (2018)