About FoundryBase, and the learning resources

Personalized Learning

Resources Chunks Courses

Learners can advance at a speed that suits them, whether through bite-sized lessons, comprehensive classes, or well-structured courses.

Resources —such as articles, videos, and podcasts—are curated by our dedicated teaching community or contributed by your organization to enhance the learning experience.

Chunks (Collections) bring together related resources, either from a single expert instructor or a mix of top-quality content from around the web, paired with facilitator insights to guide workshops and discussions.

Courses are thoughtfully designed by combining these chunks (collections), creating a cohesive learning experience. They offer learners a deeper journey with contributions from multiple experts, opportunities for reflection, interactive activities, discussion forums, and assessments.

RESOURCE (Article, Video, etc.)

1 video (5-7 min)


5 resources (35-60 min total)


5 chunks (3-5 hours)