What is the right way to get feedback / review? Here is a collection of articles and resources looking at effective techniques for getting reviews...
Medium: Circa’s secret to getting 90% 5-stars. tl;dr: 1) Build a great app, 2) Don’t annoy your users, 3) Ask nicely, don’t beg Since Circa News ... (2014)
Canny helps you collect and organize feature requests to better understand customer needs and prioritize your roadmap. (2019)
Not long ago I picked up To Rise Again at a Decent Hour, a 2014 novel by Joshua Ferris, mainly because of the lavish praise on the cover: “Brillian... (2018)
When your brain gets a reward (and your brain treats praise from others as a reward), what it learns is to do that action again. But, repetition b... (2019)
“We are dangerous when we are not conscious of our responsibility for how we behave, think, and feel,”―Marshall B. Rosenberg, Nonviolent Communicat... (2019)
You’ve probably heard about Slack’s exponential growth. And you may have read how the internal-communication platform — now just two years old — is... (2019)
Maze wants to reinvent usability tests by letting you turn design prototypes into tests in just a few clicks. It could become the equivalent of a d... (2020)
Managers who sugarcoat their feedback aren’t doing their employees any favors. Avoiding awkward conversations only makes things worse. (2019)
Deliver great experiences, no matter what. We make customer messaging apps for sales, marketing, and support, connected on one platform. Our miss... (2020)
Better customer relationships start here We make customer messaging apps for sales, marketing, and support, connected on one platform. Our missi... (2020)