Communicating design ideas with memos and briefing documents - the Amazon Jeff Bezos' method
Imagine for a moment that you could go into a meeting and everyone in the meeting would have very deep context on the topic you're going to discuss... (2020)
"We have study hall at the beginning of our meetings." says Jeff Bezos. Staff meetings at Amazon begin with 30 minutes of silent reading. Powerpoin... (2012)
The world's greatest communicators don't use PowerPoint. Maybe you should follow their lead. (2019)
Working Backwards book. Read 2 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Working Backwards is an insider's breakdown of Amazon's appr... (2021)
The remote work environment is different from the office. Different environments call for different communication systems. A communication system t... (2020)
“Never write more than two pages on any subject.” On September 7th, 1982, Ogilvy sent the following internal memo to all agency employees, title... (2012)
You Should Too. The rule of awkward silence has always been valuable. But in a world of instant gratification, it's more useful than ever. ... (2020)