A collection of articles about the difference between Platforms vs Aggregators - Tech Business Models and Strategy
On the business, strategy, and impact of technology. While Salmon’s question was driven by the news that AT&T would spin out WarnerMedia and mer... (2021)
More and more opportunities on the web come from market marking, not for advertisers, but for real goods and services paid for with real money. (2021)
Microsoft paid a lot for GitHub, because it had to pay directly for access to developers. It doesn’t have the leverage of users the way that Apple ... (2018)
Google and Facebook represent one philosophy, and Microsoft and Apple represent another; tech needs both, but ultimately platforms are more importa... (2018)
Apple was at its best in its most recent keynote: unveiling the sorts of products the company is uniquely capable of creating. The question, though... (2015)
Understanding the differences between aggregators and platforms matters for companies interacting with them and also regulators considering antitru... (2018)
Ben and James continue to discuss the differences between platforms and aggregators, including Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Google, Netflix, Amazon,... (2019)
The Moat Map describes the correlation between the degree of supplier differentiation and the externalization (or internalization) of a company’s n... (2018)
Facebook Shops are good for Shopify merchants, but bad for Shopify; the answer is to push more into the real world. (2020)