Getting started with your business idea? Before investing in growth, the first challenge is to find "product-market fit".
Stanford University: Published on May 17, 2017, Peter Reinhardt, co-founder and CEO of Segment, shares his experience on finding product market fit. (2017)
Product-Market Fit is the one and only goal for a startup. It's a requirement for hyper-growth! But why? What's the mechanism behind Product-Market... (2018)
Michael Seibel on knowing when you've found product market fit and when to keep looking. (2018)
The product/market fit (PMF) concept was developed and named by Andy Rachleff (who is currently the CEO and co-founder of Wealthfront, and is a co-... (2017)
As the startup ecosystem has grown, we’ve seen a decreasing appetite for risk. Today, NFX Managing Partner Pete Flint is sharing a framework for al... (2020)
I’ve been lucky to have been part of building, advising, or investing in 40+ tech companies in the past 10 years. Some $100M+ wins. Some, complete ... (2020)