Startups and the Economic Impact (USA) of the COVID19 - Coronavirus pandemic
Dozens have laid off thousands, slashed costs and changed their businesses to try to survive the pandemic. All that may not work. (2020)
Last week I talked about why I think this recession will produce more indie hackers. But there are still a lot of indie hackers who are fighting to... (2020)
The government is unprepared to identify, adjudicate, and disburse $350B of aid to small businesses without a sea of fraud. Tech is the answer. Now. (2020)
With large majorities of all children (70% in the U.S. and U.K.) staying home from school during the COVID-19 crisis, use of digital media properti... (2020)
Layoffs have struck the startup world swiftly, hurting hospitality and travel startups, as well as recruitment and scooter companies. New data show... (2020)
Every Western institution was unprepared for the coronavirus pandemic, despite many prior warnings. This monumental failure of institutional effect... (2020)
Multiple economic indicators suggests the economy is getting worse. Like Wiley Coyote suspended in mid-air and not yet realizing he is abou... ... (2020)
The usual tools we’ve relied upon to help people find work will be insufficient coming out of this crisis. There's a better, faster way to hire. ... (2020)
This economic crisis has been all about yins and yangs. Yin: U.S. unemployment has skyrocketed to Great Depression levels. Yang: the pandemic is in... (2020)
Palantir, the data analytics company co-founded by Peter Thiel, is already an active tech player in the scrum for federal contracts, but it’s playi... (2020)
The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the environment for entrepreneurship. In many ways, entrepreneurship has become more challenging; in a few ways, ... (2020)
In retrospect, 2019 feels like the working world’s last dance with spontaneity. The pre-pandemic past is rife with conferences, running into co-wor... (2020)