examining issues related to privacy, surveillance and security in the workplace
Bloomberg BusinessWeek, 2017: "Silicon Valley makes billions of dollars peddling personal information, supported by an ecosystem of bit players. O... (2017)
Rewind is launching a Mac desktop app. When you search for a given term, you see every occurrence wherever it happened, as well as what else was op... (2022)
The Guardian, 2017: "Employers are using a range of technologies to monitor their staff’s web-browsing patterns, keystrokes, social media posts an... (2017)
If you have a global workforce, you must have a global policy. "There are several key questions companies should consider before deploying DLP s... (2017)
From microchip implants to wristband trackers and sensors that can detect fatigue and depression, new technology is enabling employers to watch sta... (2018)
AI will make workplaces more efficient, safer—and much creepier "WALK UP A set of steep stairs next to a vegan Chinese restaurant in Palo Alto i... (2018)
The more bosses try to keep track of their workers, the more precious time employees waste trying to evade them. (2018)
As artificial intelligence pushes beyond the tech industry, work could become fairer—or more oppressive " ARTIFICIAL intelligence (AI) is bargin... (2018)
Slack just updated its privacy policy and tools, and one of the changes may give some users pause. Under the new rules, Slack customers who pay for... (2018)
Working for a tech company may sound like all fun and ping-pong, but behind the facade is a ruthless code of secrecy – and retribution for those wh... (2018)
Gizmodo, 2017: "Is Mark Zuckerberg spying on you? Oh, yes, absolutely. Is he secretly recording your voice like, all the time? Probably not. Per ... (2017)
As we shelter in place in the pandemic, more employers are using software to track our work — and us. (2020)
In the last few months, millions of people around the world stopped going into offices and started doing their jobs from home. These workers may be... (2020)