Vitamin and Supplements - issues, controversies, troubles
BBC, 2017: "Vitamin B6 and B12 Supplements Appear to Cause Cancer in Men. A newly discovered risk associated with common energy and metabolism pill... (2017)
Sixty-eight percent of those 65 and older take vitamin supplements. Much of what we once believed about the benefits is wrong. (2018)
Care/of, ultimately, offers what any other supplement companies offer: a good feeling. (2019)
We dose up on antioxidants as if they are the elixir of life. At best, many of these supplements are ineffective. At worse, they may just send you ... (2019)
After years of debate, a major government funded study failed to find any overall benefit of taking widely used supplements to protect against hear... (2018)
The market in this prized commodity is worth billions – but are the supposed benefits worth the cost to global ecosystems? Aquaculture is an expan... (2022)
LastWeekTonight Published on Jun 22, 2014 John Oliver outlines what, exactly is problematic about Dr. Oz and the nutrition supplement industry.... (2018)