Microbiome - Food, Health, Dieting and the gut, digestive system
Let’s admit it. Few of us like to think, much less talk about our colons. But you might be surprised at the importance of what gets... (2018)
Listen to this episode from Huberman Lab on Spotify. In this episode, I discuss the profound effect the gut has on the nervous system. I cover the ... (2022)
Listen to this episode from Huberman Lab on Spotify. My guest this episode is Dr. Justin Sonnenburg, Professor of Microbiology & Immunology at Stan... (2022)
For the microbiologist Justin Sonnenburg, that career-defining moment—the discovery that changed the trajectory of his research,… (2018)
Once in the U.S., immigrants in the study ate foods richer in sugars, fats, and protein. Their microbiomes changed within months of moving, and obe... (2018)
Two types of bacteria common in the gut may accelerate the growth of tumors, suggesting new possibilities for diagnosis and prevention. (2018)
PARADIGM SHIFT is an overused term. Properly, it refers to a radical change of perspective on a topic, such as the move from the physics of Newton ... (2019)
They’ve been linked to disease and overeating. Could our microbiome explain why? (2019)
Scientific American is the essential guide to the most awe-inspiring advances in science and technology, explaining how they change our understandi... (2021)