a collection of articles, videos and resources examining issues related to privacy and security at universities
Soon, Saint Louis University students won’t be able to avoid Amazon’s near ubiquitous smart speakers. The university announced this week a plan to ... (2018)
CHICAGO—Big Data will save you. Versions of that sales pitch echoed through the cavernous exhibit hall this week at one of the largest trade shows ... (2019)
CHICAGO — Colleges are increasingly using Big Data to monitor students, control their access to information and set them on learning paths they ma... (2019)
Schools are elevating the use of chatbots and virtual assistants whose speed and tone can simulate text conversation. (2020)
Marissa MierowIt’s no secret that voice-enabled technology is taking off in the domestic sphere, but how is this increasingly robust technology ... (2020)
Administrators say installing listening devices like Alexa in student bedrooms and hallways could help lower dropout rates. Not everyone agrees. (2020)
"This is really a textbook example of fair use," said the EFF. (2020)
Students have no way to opt out of the location tracking. (2020)