A collection of articles about Facebook and it's business model, strategy
Mark Zuckerberg's Libra cryptocurrency project may just strengthen his stranglehold on our user data. Financial stability is another huge concern (2019)
Facebook unveiled a cryptocurrency called Libra yesterday, as well as the Libra Association, a not-for-profit that will oversee all things Libra. W... (2019)
Everyone’s worried about Mark Zuckerberg controlling the next currency, but I’m more concerned about a crypto Cambridge Analytica. Today Facebook a... (2019)
Visa, Mastercard and other partners that signed on to help build and maintain the Libra payments network are reconsidering their involvement after ... (2019)
France and Germany have agreed to block Facebook's Libra cryptocurrency, the French finance ministry said on Friday. (2019)
European Union finance ministers have agreed to a de facto ban on the launch in the region of so-called global “stablecoins” such as Facebook’s pla... (2019)