A collection of articles about Data and Social Media, Facebook: Privacy, Security
Data workers of the world, unite “DATA SLAVERY.” Jennifer Lyn Morone, an American artist, thinks this is the state in which most people now live... (2018)
If you're not paying, you're not the customer--you're the product. (2018)
This piece in Recode explains that Cambridge Analytica built an app that 270,000 people used to amass profiles on 50 million people. (2018)
Using a tool that Facebook offers its users, our columnist found out more than he wanted to know about the social network, the ad industry and hims... (2018)
The revealing history of everyone’s favorite Facebook critique. (2018)
A Hamburg regulator said on Tuesday that neither the messenger nor its parent company had received individuals’ permission to share digital informa... (2018)
Data collaboratives are the new public-private partnership. "We live in a quantified era. It is estimated that 90% of the world’s data was gener... (2018)
Bloomberg BusinessWeek, 2017: "Silicon Valley makes billions of dollars peddling personal information, supported by an ecosystem of bit players. O... (2017)
There's a complex, multi-billion dollar industry making a living from your personal data. Here's what they know about you.... (2018)
The Economist, 2017: "Regulating the internet giants. The world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data. The data economy demands a ... (2017)
Given the growing importance of data to companies, how should managers measure its value? (2018)
The Facebook-owned messenger with 2 billion users revamps its privacy policy. (2021)
Facebook just lost a battle in its war to stop a $35 billion class action lawsuit regarding alleged misuse of facial recognition data in Illinois. ... (2019)
It was another black mark on the privacy record of the social network, which also reported its quarterly earnings. “ Facebook said on Wednesday ... (2020)