WANT a job with a successful multinational? You will face lots of competition. Two years ago Goldman Sachs received a quarter of a million applicat... (2018)
The other two formats leave recruiters wondering: 'What the heck did she actually do there?'. When written correctly, achievement-based resumes ... (2024)
For me, I'm only interested in one thing. The thing that binds us all together. No matter who you are or what your profession is - whether you’re a... (1970)
When you’re job-hunting, a resume used to be the quickest way to get your foot in the door, but that’s not necessarily true anymore. Today, 87% of ... (2018)
You’ve heard the horror stories: a job applicant gets turned down because his potential employer discovered his objectionable tweets, or saw pictur... (2011)
And because of "experience inflation" by employers, the experience you need for entry-level jobs is increasing at 2.8% every year. (2018)
In a world of fake news, the only antidote is our ability to judge the reputation of the people supplying us with information... (2018)
The key to meeting VCs isn't cold emails or playing a high-volume game — it's all in the introductions. And anyone can get them... Read On (2018)
You are determined to obtain a scholarship to continue training, do internships abroad or embark on a master's degree program? You think you are a ... (2018)
LinkedIn has created and — with 562 million users — leads the market in social platforms for people who want to network with others in their profes... (2018)
The usual tools we’ve relied upon to help people find work will be insufficient coming out of this crisis. There's a better, faster way to hire. ... (2020)
You've got to cast the net wide if you want to narrow the field. (2019)