A collection of articles about Polarization, social media and “filter bubbles”
New York Times, 2017: “Today’s clashes may hoarsen our voices, but they rarely sharpen our thinking, much less change our minds. (2017)
Platforms like Facebook are designed to profit from humans' confirmation bias. Here's how to restore balance to your feed. (2020)
Civility will never defeat fascism, no matter what The Economist thinks. (2018)
Erisology: The Science of Arguing About Everything. Disagreement is central to our lives online. ‘Erisologists’ want to study it more systematically. (2019)
There’s a growing call for diversity on campus. And it’s not all about demographics—there’s a new push toward making classrooms inviting to a diver... (2019)
Imagine you're at a dinner party, and you're getting into a heated argument. As you start yelling, the other people quickly hush their voices and s... (2020)
December 2019 There are two distinct ways to be politically moderate: on purpose and by accident. Intentional moderates are trimmers, deliberate... (2020)
I joined the paper with gratitude and optimism three years ago. I was hired with the goal of bringing in voices that would not otherwise appear in ... (2020)
The huge figure immediately hit the “confirmation bias” button in many people’s brains. But hold up. This is an entry in Viral Studies, a Slate ... (2020)