David Brooks - commentary, politics, society
FIRE, Free Speech Rankings and Elite Top Universities in the USA
Debate - strategies for debating in Communication and Public Speaking
Financial Crises - balance of payments, debt and international creditors, IMF, others
Financial Crises
Public vs. Private Markets and the role of Government - Political Divisions in the USA
Wikipedia - issues of accuracy, bias, misinformation
Student debt crisis and Political Divisions in the USA
Cancel culture, conformism, free speech and censorship
ACLU and Free Speech, Hate Speech
Medicaid - Healthcare USA
a collection of articles about Google - AI, ethics, controversy and debate
Chicago Principles - Cancel Culture, University Professors and the Free Speech Debate on College ...
SAT preparation for College Enrollment, Admissions at Universities in the USA
Data Sets and AI in medicine and health care
Political Speech in the Workplace - culture, teams and management issues
The Filibuster and Political Divisions in the USA
It has become increasingly clear that the political Right in America is not what it used to be. In particular, my own preferred slant of classical ... (2022)
How the culture wars came for Wikipedia’s articles about human intelligence. (2022)
The Four Quadrants of Conformism - Paul Graham essay July 2020 One of the most revealing ways to classify people is by the degree and aggress... (2022)
Nvidia's Megatron AI recently took the floor at the celebrated Oxford Union to debate whether AI can ever be ethical. (2021)
"What's the biggest change I can make to reduce the carbon footprint of my diet?" It's a question I'm often asked, and my answer is pretty consiste... (2021)
Following a Twitter outcry, a scientist was stopped from giving a lecture at MIT for reasons that had nothing to do with the lecture itself. (2021)
President Alivisatos continues the University’s tradition of upholding and promoting free expression and open discourse. (2021)
Apple Inc (AAPL.O) on Monday said that iPhone users' entire photo libraries will be checked for known child abuse images if they are stored in the ... (2021)
The deposit could power 400,000 clean-energy car batteries. There’s just one roadblock: a rare, fragile species of buckwheat, which for a mine migh... (2021)
Google Street View has become a surprisingly useful way to learn about the world without stepping into it. People use it to plan journeys, to explo... (2021)
Humanity’s Awesome, Terrifying Takeover of Evolution Walter Isaacson and Ezra Klein discuss the implications of humanity’s awesome, terrifying ... (2021)
Before a disastrous blight, the American chestnut was a keystone species in eastern forests. Could genetic engineering help bring it back? (2021)
Claims that the world has only 100, 60, or even 30 years of harvests left often hit the headlines. These claims are overblown, but soil erosion is ... (2021)
The findings from the first-ever rankings of the free speech climates at 55 of America’s largest and most prestigious college campuses. (2020)
This week, President Donald Trump extolled the cutting-edge coronavirus treatments he received as “miracles coming down from God.” If that’s true, ... (2020)
The news: Two political ads will broadcast on social media today, featuring deepfake versions of Russian president Vladimir Putin and North Korean ... (2020)
A new report finds a majority of students feel they can't express their opinions on campus, especially when they are in the ideological minority an... (2020)
Imagine you're at a dinner party, and you're getting into a heated argument. As you start yelling, the other people quickly hush their voices and s... (2020)
Online child exploitation is a horrific crime that requires an effective response, but this bill fails to meet the challenge and creates new proble... (2020)
Every Western institution was unprepared for the coronavirus pandemic, despite many prior warnings. This monumental failure of institutional effect... (2020)
In an analysis published Tuesday, Stanford’s John P.A. Ioannidis — co-director of the university’s Meta-Research Innovation Center and ... (2020)
NOAA will get at least $4 million for a research program, which will include efforts to assess “climate interventions.” (2019)
The creator of Scientific Content Analysis, or SCAN, says the tool can identify deception. Law enforcement has used his method for decades, even th... (2019)
The best books on critical thinking, as recommended by Nigel Warburton – Five Books' philosophy editor and author of Thinking from A to Z. Do yo... (2019)
The infamous “trolley problem” was put to millions of people in a global study, revealing how much ethics diverge across cultures. (2019)
Creativity is, and always will be, a human endeavor. “... Creativity is among the most mysterious and impressive achievements of human existence... (2019)
A growing number of districts are deploying cameras and software to prevent attacks. But the systems are also used to monitor students—and adult cr... (2019)
Technology makes fighting war easier and more palatable—but it dangerously changes the nature of the fight, argues a US Marine veteran. "The lus... (2019)
Data is selective and ignores resource utilization shifts. Example: In the 1940s crop acreage decoupled from crop yield, he says. Great! Instead it... (2019)
The current privacy debate is making things worse by not considering trade-offs, the inherent nature of digital, or the far bigger problems that co... (2019)
Bo Seo, a two-time debate world champion, gives three tips for constructing the perfect argument. (2023)
Ethiopia, Egypt, Sudan and water from the Nile: Why This Circle Could Spark Africa’s Biggest War (2023)
Genetic Selection is Happening Already. Here's How it Works. (2023)
Why do people see the Virgin Mary on cheese sandwiches or hear demonic lyrics in "Stairway to Heaven"? Using video, images and music, pro... (2022)
American wealth inequality is staggering. A wealth tax, which would hone in on the money people actually have, rather than just the money we earn a... (2019)
Deep underground lie stores of once-inaccessible natural gas. There’s a tech... (2019)
Jake Tapper reports on the controversy that surrounds GMOs and one of the companies that makes them. For more CNN videos, visit our site ... (2019)
Long divided over GMOs - are they a threat or an opportunity? - the EU has now found a way forward. (2019)
Designer babies, the end of diseases, genetically modified humans that never age. Outrageous things that used to be science fiction are suddenly be... (2019)
Are GMOs bad for your health? Or is this fear unfounded? Support us on Patreon so we can make more videos (and get cool stuff in return): https://w... (2019)
Birke Baehr -"what's Wrong With Our Food System? And How Can We Make A Difference. Video by: Twin Path Productions www.... (2019)
Free speech is at the heart of a healthy democracy, but in recent years it has come under attack. Controversial views are being silenced to protect... (2018)
Vox, Published on Nov 14, 2014 We know how to end poverty. So why don't we? Read more about the simplest plan to end poverty, a universal basic ... (2018)
TED talk, 2017: "We're building an artificial intelligence-powered dystopia, one click at a time, says techno-sociologist Zeynep Tufekci. In an ey... (2017)
Listen to this episode from Lex Fridman Podcast on Spotify. Greg Lukianoff is a free speech advocate, first-amendment attorney, president of FIRE -... (2024)
Listen to this episode from Should This Exist? on Spotify. It’s one of the best weapons we have to contain a pandemic. But can it defe... (2020)
There’s a growing call for diversity on campus. And it’s not all about demographics—there’s a new push toward making classrooms inviting to a diver... (2019)
Ben and James discuss the question of YouTube, why it’s similar and different from Facebook, and why engagement is both alluring and a potential pr... (2019)
The way we draw our political districts has a huge effect on U.S. politics, but the process is also greatly misunderstood. Gerrymandering has b... (2018)
This paper highlights what Google considers to be some of the critical current questions in the debate on AI governance. We hope it is useful as a ... (2019)
College Pulse, Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, and RealClearEducation have released the first ever College Free Speech Rankings, a c... (2021)
Ethical OS Toolkit As technologists, it’s only natural that we spend most of our time focusing on how our tech will change the world for the better... (2018)