A collection of articles about Social Networking apps and websites - history, competition of social media
Sixteen years ago, the sun set on Web 1.0, and we embarked by the light of our smartphones to 24/7 connectivity, down a road paved with corporate b... (2019)
Countering social networks’ tendency toward “social capital” inequality requires thinking like an economist. (2022)
Contra is a new professional community for your independent journey. Everything you need to find remote, freelance and flexible work from your own ... (2021)
Google Plus didn’t fail because Facebook is invulnerable. It failed because of deep flaws embedded in it from the very start. I joined the Googl... (2019)
“Rupert Murdoch's influence could eventually extend in ways that would make his grip on satellite television seem parochial, says Victor Keegan. (2007)
When assessing a social app’s potential, what does “good” look like, anyway? The most important metrics—and benchmarks to aspire to—according to th... (2020)