a collection of articles and videos looking at the mounting student debt crisis in the USA
U.S. student loan debt now equals the size of the $1.3 trillion U.S. high-yield corporate bond market, presenting investors with a whole different ... (2017)
Listen to this episode from Capitalisn't on Spotify. We’re taking a week off here at the end of the summer, but with Biden’s recent student loan an... (2022)
The proposal’s prominence has less to do with its merits than with college graduates’ agenda-setting power. (2022)
Daniel Pianko, managing director of University Ventures, writes that thanks in large part to Obama administration policies, only 37% of borrowers a... (2018)
New York Times, 2017: "After $70,000 in payments, one teacher found that he wasn’t in the public service loan forgiveness program after all. Now, ... (2017)
Mark Cuban, 2012: "Its far too easy to borrow money for college. Did you know that there is more outstanding debt for student loans than there is... (2017)
Marginal REVOLUTION, 2013: "Here, drawn from my new e-book, Launching the Innovation Renaissance (published by TED) is part of a section on colle... (2011)
Rolling Stone, 2017: “How universities, banks and the government turned student debt into America's next financial black hole... Parents, not w... (2017)
Rich compensation in academia has long drawn skepticism, or scorn, apparent most recently in the tax legislation. "Hatch is one of 58 college pr... (2017)
Let's make 2018 the year student loan debt begins to become unacceptable. "Student loans haven’t paid off for most young parents. Overall only 5... (2018)
Nearly everyone pursuing a bachelor’s degree is borrowing money, and as prices soar, a college degree often comes with an unprecedented financial b... (2018)
"The college affordability crisis has gained much attention in recent years, yet prices continue to climb. Tuition increased 89 percent from 2002 t... (2017)
America's nagging problem with college dropouts managed to get the tiniest bit worse this year. The National Student Clearinghouse reports that 55 ... (2018)
Fewer than 1 in 5 rural adults ages 25 and older have college degrees. (2018)
AUTOMATION and globalisation have brought drastic changes to Western labour markets. Middle-skilled jobs are disappearing fast. In America, wages f... (2018)
Usually ignored in the outcry over student-loan debt is that much of it is disproportionately the result of going to graduate school. (2018)
“Borrowers who graduated from 2012 to 2017 earn a monthly average after-tax income of $2,655, and about 15% of that goes toward student loan paymen... (2018)
Nearly 75 percent of college graduates in New Hampshire have outstanding student loans and they owe an average of $36,367. (2018)
The definition of underemployment: a job that doesn't need your degree. Should college grads take a job they're overqualified for? Depends. (2018)
New data reveals how colleges are benefiting from billions in financial aid while students are left with debt they cannot repay. (2018)
Counselors and parents are hesitant for students to take out loans for college. But a new study shows that borrowing money can actually be helpful ... (2018)
Success shouldn’t depend on an expensive degree. “On the surface, universities are a nice idea. You go in, pick a subject you like, learn from t... (2019)
The sad bloom of higher education liars and con artists that has attracted the attention of the American public, isn’t anomalous, but rather system... (2019)
Education startup Kenzie Academy, one of the several new ventures that provide financing for students in exchange for a proportion of future earnin... (2019)
Universities could have used online learning to make a quality education affordable for everyone. Instead they allowed forprofit companies to devou... (2019)
Growing up, my dream was to become a teacher. And I knew that if I wanted to teach, I had to get a college degree. I managed to get a college schol... (2019)
College in the United States is expensive. The cost of higher education just keeps going up. Tuition costs at both public and private universities ... (2019)