On the business, strategy, and impact of technology. While Salmon’s question was driven by the news that AT&T would spin out WarnerMedia and mer... (2021)
Amazon’s new Buy With Prime announced the arrival of Amazon Logistics as a Service, and is a big red flag for Shopify. (2022)
Amazon.com was showing signs of being a Day Two company, including the alleged manipulation of search. There is reason, though, to be optimistic th... (2019)
Apple has long defeated disruption by focusing on the user experience; Jeff Bezos and Amazon, though, show that user expectations for their experie... (2018)
Money is made at chokepoints, and the most valuable chokepoints are operating systems; Amazon is building exactly that with Alexa. (2017)
Google Shopping is changing its model, suggesting Google is joining the Anti-Amazon Alliance; 3rd-party merchants should do the same. (2020)
Brands have long been able to bid for the premier slot at the top left of Amazon’s listings, but during the pandemic the online retailer has begun ... (2020)