A collection of articles and videos looking at business model/ strategy
Google and Facebook represent one philosophy, and Microsoft and Apple represent another; tech needs both, but ultimately platforms are more importa... (2018)
Tech is increasingly divorced from the real economy thanks to the COVID hangover and Apple’s App Tracking Transparency (2023)
Apple has long defeated disruption by focusing on the user experience; Jeff Bezos and Amazon, though, show that user expectations for their experie... (2018)
Apple was at its best in its most recent keynote: unveiling the sorts of products the company is uniquely capable of creating. The question, though... (2015)
Microsoft paid a lot for GitHub, because it had to pay directly for access to developers. It doesn’t have the leverage of users the way that Apple ... (2018)
The Moat Map describes the correlation between the degree of supplier differentiation and the externalization (or internalization) of a company’s n... (2018)
Google Plus didn’t fail because Facebook is invulnerable. It failed because of deep flaws embedded in it from the very start. I joined the Googl... (2019)