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Physics ideas: what is Light?

Physics ideas: what is Light?

Double slit experiment - Multiverse theory and Quantum physics - Big Ideas in Physics

Double slit experiment - Multiverse theory and Quantum physics - Big Ideas in Physics

“Being you” by Anil Seth; Book and Podcast discussions with the author

“Being you” by Anil Seth; Book and Podcast discussions with the author

Nuclear Energy - big idea: using nuclear waste to generate electricity Safety and Disposal

Nuclear Energy - big idea: using nuclear waste to generate electricity

Carbon Capture and Removal - companies, projects working on CO2, Global warming

Carbon Capture and Removal - companies, projects working on CO2, Global warming

Physics ideas: is faster-than-light travel possible?

Physics ideas: is faster-than-light travel possible?

Multiverse theory and Quantum physics - Big Ideas in Physics

Multiverse theory and Quantum physics - Big Ideas in Physics

Nietzsche - philosopher

Nietzsche - philosopher

Big Ideas in Physics - String Theory

Big Ideas in Physics - String Theory

Einstein’s Field Equations, Special and General Relativity - Big ideas in Physics

Einstein’s Field Equations, Special and General Relativity - Big ideas in Physics

Big Ideas in Physics - Expansion of the universe

Big Ideas in Physics - Expansion of the universe

Epistemology, Theories of Knowledge - Comparing Empiricism, Inductive and Deductive Reasoning

Epistemology, Theories of Knowledge - Comparing Empiricism, Inductive and Deductive Reasoning

David Deutsch - Big Ideas in Physics

David Deutsch - Big Ideas in Physics

Books - Climate Tech - Essential reading to understand global warming, possible solutions

Books - Climate Tech - Essential reading to understand global warming, possible solutions

Results from Particle Accelerators and Experimental Physics - testing

a collection of articles about Experimental Physics - testing big ideas

Dark Matter, Dark Energy - Physics

a collection of articles and videos about Physics ideas: Singularity, Black Holes, and the 'Big B...

Book Review: Einstein’s Dreams by Alan Lightman

Book Review: Einstein’s Dreams by Alan Lightman

Resources within this category


"Ignoring the Possibility of Progress Is a Sure Method of Destroying Ourselves" – Interview with Physicist David Deutsch

Fly to the stars? Conquer the climate crisis? Mankind can solve all problems, argues British physicist David Deutsch. Progress, he says, is the key... (2022)


The World Needs a New Protocol for Global Travel - Future

Excerpted from MOVE: The Forces Uprooting Us, by Parag Khanna. Copyright © 2021 by Parag Khanna. Excerpted with permission by Scribner, a division ... (2021)


Bye, bye, little Susy - Supersymmetry | Science & technology - The Economist

Life, the universe and everything - Physics seeks the future (2021)


In praise of physics - Fundamental physics is humanity’s most extraordinary achievement

It sees worlds in grains of sand and infinities in hours | Leaders (2021)


Einstein’s Dreams: Physicist Alan Lightman’s Poetic Exploration of Time – Brain Pickings

“A life in the past cannot be shared with the present. Each person who gets stuck in time gets stuck alone.” (2021)


Tokenized Natural Assets | Union Square Ventures

This is one of several posts on new areas we are exploring for USV’s Climate Fund. Natural resources such as fertile land and healthy oceans are the (2021)


What is relativity? Einstein's mind-bending theory explained

Albert Einstein is famous for his theory of relativity, and GPS navigation and nuclear energy would be impossible without the equation e=mc2. (2021)


What Was Einstein Talking About With His Theory of Relativity?

Einstein's theory of relativity is a famous theory, but it's little understood. Learn all about the concepts that make up the theory of relativity. (2021)


What Is a Particle?

It has been thought of as many things: a pointlike object, an excitation of a field, a speck of pure math that has cut into reality. But never has ... (2020)


Early Work - Paul Graham essay

October 2020 One of the biggest things holding people back from doing great work is the fear of making something lame. And this fear is not an i... (2020)


When Did Time Really Begin? The Little Loophole in the Big Bang

A pleasurable warping of the figuring faculty to contemplate what was there before the before. (2020)


IT'S TIME TO BUILD - by Marc Andreessen

Every Western institution was unprepared for the coronavirus pandemic, despite many prior warnings. This monumental failure of institutional effect... (2020)


Finally We May Have a Path to the Fundamental Theory of Physics… and It’s Beautiful—Stephen Wolfram Writings

How does our universe work? Scientist Stephen Wolfram opens up his ongoing Wolfram Physics Project to a global effort. His team will livestream wor... (2020)


When Gravity Breaks Down

Theoretical physicists have known since the 1930s that quantum gravity is necessary to bring order into the laws of nature, but 80… Albert... (2020)


Making Sense of Quantum Mechanics

Philosopher David Albert thinks there might be a “clear and straightforward” way of thinking about quantum phenomena Interest in qua... (2020)


Has progress in science and technology come to a halt? – Michael Hanlon

Some of our greatest cultural and technological achievements took place between 1945 and 1971. Why has progress stalled? (2020)


Rivers could generate thousands of nuclear power plants worth of energy, thanks to a new ‘blue’ membrane

Boron nitride nanotube membrane creates power by controlling the flow of electrically charged ions in water Green energy advocates may soon be t... (2019)


If The Universe Is 13.8 Billion Years Old, How Can We See 46 Billion Light Years Away?

There are a few fundamental facts about the Universe — its origin, its history, and what it is today — that are awfully hard to wrap your head aro... (2018)


The necessity of pulling carbon dioxide out of the air - Climate change

But it is difficult to do at the scale you need “... almost every year since Rio has seen higher carbon-dioxide emissions than the year before. ... (2019)


Startups looking to suck CO2 from the air are suddenly luring big bucks

Silicon Kingdom hopes to commercialize Klaus Lackner’s “mechanical tree” carbon capture concept. (2019)


Maybe we can afford to suck CO2 out of the sky after all

A new analysis shows that air capture could cost less than $100 a ton. "While avoiding the worst dangers of climate change will likely require s... (2019)


Elon Musk’s brain-interface company is promising big news. Here’s what it could be. - MIT Technology Review

We think Neuralink, which develops brain-machine interfaces, is recording from the neurons of monkeys as a stepping stone toward humans. (2019)


Why Carbon Credits For Forest Preservation May Be Worse Than Nothing - ProPublica

An (Even More) Inconvenient Truth: Why Carbon Credits For Forest Preservation May Be Worse Than Nothing "In case after case, I found that carbo... (2019)


Could quantum mechanics explain the existence of space-time? |

Physicists find hints that entanglement explains Einstein’s equations for gravity. Ever since Einstein, scientists have also been scratching t... (2019)


This scientist thinks she has the key to curb climate change: super plants | Environment | The Guardian

Dr Joanne Chory hopes that genetic modifications to enhance plants’ natural carbon-fixing traits could play a key role – but knows that time is sho... (2019)


The most effective way to tackle climate change? Plant 1 trillion trees - CNN

What's low-tech, sustainable and possibly the most effective thing we can do to fight climate change? Planting trees. A trillion of them. (2019)


The lack of diversity in philosophy is blocking its progress – Peter Levine | Aeon Ideas

Philosophy remains one of the bastions of the Western canon and white, male scholars. Should it diversify and if so, why? (2019)


Quantum computing for the very curious

Presented in an experimental mnemonic medium that makes it almost effortless to remember what you read (2019)


Belief in aliens could be America’s next religion | The Outline

‘American Cosmic’ explores how the once-fringe phenomenon has taken root among the powerful. (2019)


A Different Kind of Theory of Everything | The New Yorker

Natalie Wolchover writes about physicists’ effort to find laws that explain the physical world and the nature of the universe. (2019)


The Neuroscience of Consciousness – with Anil Seth

Professor of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience Anil Seth looks at the neuroscience of consciousness and how our biology gives rise to the un... (2023)


Anil Seth: How your brain invents your "self" | TED

Who are you, really? Neuroscientist Anil Seth lays out his fascinating new theory of consciousness and self, centered on the notion that we "predic... (2023)


The Unanswered Questions of Space: Quantum Entanglement, Dark Matter, and Dark Energy

Nobel Prize-winning astrophysicist John Mather illuminates the universe's deepest mysteries. In this episode, we delve into the search for extrater... (2023)


Biohacking our way to health with robot cells | Michael Levin

This biologist built a living robot from frog cells — and it could hold the key to the future of regenerative medicine:This interview is an episode … (2023)


Are There Many Worlds? David Deutsch in conversation with Markus Arndt

Are There Many Worlds? David Deutsch in conversation with Markus Arndt (2023)


The Original Double Slit Experiment

Light is so common that we rarely think about what it really is. But just over two hundred years ago, a groundbreaking experiment answered the ques... (2023)


Double Slit Experiment | Answers With Joe

The Double Slit Experiment started as a way to determine if light is a wave or a particle - but it uncovered mysteries that have baffled science to... (2023)


Can cells think? | Michael Levin

We know that humans are an intelligent species. But this biologist breaks down the intelligence of each of our cells — and it will blow your mind.. (2023)


Michio Kaku Breaks Silence On JWST James Webb Telescope’s Shocking New Image!

James Webb Telescope's New Image Proves Time Existed Before The Big Bang! Renowned theoretical physicist Michio Kaku just shared a shocking discove... (2023)


The Speed of Light is NOT About Light

Sign Up on Patreon to get access to the Space Time Discord! up for the mailing list to get episode notific... (2023)


I Think Faster Than Light Travel is Possible. Here's Why.

If you've been following my channel for a really long time, you might remember that some years ago I made a video about whether faster-than-light t... (2023)


The trickiest problem in statistics (and how it relates to the probability of the multiverse)

For decades, the Sleeping Beauty Problem has divided people between two answers. 160,439 People Agree With Me, 64,831 Disagree… (2023)


Time Does Not Exist. Let me explain with a graph.

Time Does Not Exist. Let me explain with a graph. How do we really move through spacetime? … (2022)


The Multiverse: Science, Religion, or Pseudoscience?

The Multiverse: Science, Religion, or Pseudoscience? Why do physicists think that our ... (2022)


Thinking, Fast and Slow | Daniel Kahneman | Talks at Google

@Google Talks is proud to welcome hero of psychology, Daniel Kahneman.Daniel Kahneman, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his se... (2022)


A new way to visualize General Relativity

ScienceClic English 228K subscribers How to faithfully represent general relativity ? Is the image of the rubber sheet accurate ? What is the c... (2021)


Why is quantum mechanics weird? The bomb experiment

Check out the physics courses that I mentioned (many of which are free!) and support this channel by going to where y... (2021)


TIMELAPSE OF THE FUTURE: A Journey to the End of Time (4K)

TIMELAPSE OF THE FUTURE: A Journey to the End of Time (4K) How's it all gonna end? This experience ... (2021)


TED: After billions of years of monotony, the universe is waking up | David Deutsch

Visit to get our entire library of TED Talks, transcripts, translations, personalized Talk recommendations and more.Theoretical physicist D... (2021)


Life Begins: Crash Course Big History #4

In which Hank and John Green teach you about life on Earth. They won't be giving advice on how life should be lived, because this is a history seri... (2020)


What Is Life? Is Death Real?

So what is the difference between you and a rock? This seems like an easy, even stupid question. But even the smartest people on earth have no idea... (2020)


Time Dilation - Einstein's Theory Of Relativity Explained!

Time dilation and Einstein’s theory of relativity go hand in hand. Albert Einstein is the most popular physicist, as he formulated the theory of re... (2020)


Does time exist? - Andrew Zimmerman Jones

Download a free audiobook version of "A Brief History of Time" and support TED-Ed's nonprofit mission. Check out our full book recomm... (2020)


Time: Imagining the Fourth Dimension

Watch my new video about the fourth dimension... (2020)


What Happened Before the Big Bang?

PBS Space Time 2.01M subscribers Check out the new Space Time Merch Store! We actually have a pretty good idea of what might have happened bef... (2020)


Einstein's brilliant mistake: Entangled states - Chad Orzel - TEDed

When you think about Einstein and physics, E=mc^2 is pro... (2019)


What can Schrödinger's cat teach us about quantum mechanics? - TEDed

The classical physics that we encounter i... (2019)


Schrödinger's cat: A thought experiment in quantum mechanics - TEDed

Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger, one ... (2019)


3 kinds of bias that shape your worldview - TED talk - J. Marshall Shepherd

TED Published on Jan 2, 2019 What shapes our perceptions (and misperceptions) about science? In an eye-opening talk, meteorologist J. Marshall Sh... (2019)


The Tragedy of the Commons

In this video, we take a look at common goods. Common resources are nonexcludable but rival. For instance, no one can be excluded from fishing for ... (2018)


Neil Gershenfeld: Self-Replicating Robots and the Future of Fabrication - Lex Fridman Podcast on Spotify

Listen to this episode from Lex Fridman Podcast on Spotify. Neil Gershenfeld is the director of the MIT Center for Bits and Atoms. OUTLINE:... (2023)


Can We Program Our Cells? - Michael Elowitz, a professor of biology and bioengineering at Caltech - The Joy of Why

Listen to this episode from The Joy of Why on Spotify. Making living cells blink fluorescently like party lights may sound frivolous. But the demon... (2023)


David Deutsch: Knowledge Creation and The Human Race - Naval | Podcast on Spotify

Listen to this episode from Naval on Spotify. Introduction 0:00 The Human Race 2:11 Knowledge Creation 12:34 AGI 15:50 Taking Children Seriously 23... (2023)


The Peculiar Case Of Dark Matter : Short Wave : NPR

The universe is so much bigger than what people can see, and astrophysicist Priyamvada Natarajan is trying to figure out that which we can not see.... (2021)


The Character of Consciousness

In this book David Chalmers follows up and extends his thoughts and arguments on the nature of consciousness that he first set forth in his groundb... (2023)


The Crisis of Democratic Capitalism

From the chief economics commentator of the Financial Times, a magnificent reckoning with how and why the marriage between democracy and capitalism... (2023)


Being You - by Anil Seth

INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER A Best Book of 2021—Bloomberg Businessweek; A Best Science Book of 2021—The Guardian; A Best Science Book of 2021—Financia... (2023)


Einstein's Dreams

A modern classic, Einstein’s Dreams is a fictional collage of stories dreamed by Albert Einstein in 1905, about time, relativity and physics. As th... (2021)


Ideas: a history of thought and invention, from fire to Freud

Peter Watson's hugely ambitious and stimulating history of ideas from deep antiquity to the present day—from the invention of writing, mathematics,... (2021)


The Manual: A Philosopher's Guide to Life (Stoic Philosophy Book 1)

The Manual book. Read 131 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Life's Missing Instruction Manual Epictetus (c. 50-135 CE) was br... (2021)


A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking

In the ten years since its publication in 1988, Stephen Hawking's classic work has become a landmark volume in scientific writing, with more than n... (2020)


Altered Carbon (Takeshi Kovacs, #1) by Richard K. Morgan

Altered Carbon has 64,846 ratings and 4,399 reviews. Patrick said: Folks have been recommending I read Richard Morgan for years. But I've got a to-... (2018)


Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World – and Why Things Are Better Than You Think

When asked simple questions about global trends—what percentage of the world’s population live in poverty; why the world’s population is increasing... (2018)


Ethical OS Toolkit

Ethical OS Toolkit As technologists, it’s only natural that we spend most of our time focusing on how our tech will change the world for the better... (2018)

Content Stats

91 Articles
38 Videos
4 Podcasts
9 Books
1 Websites
56 Chunks