Time Does Not Exist. Let me explain with a graph. How do we really move through spacetime? … (2022)
A pleasurable warping of the figuring faculty to contemplate what was there before the before. (2020)
PBS Space Time 2.01M subscribers Thanks to LastPass for sponsoring PBS DS. You can check out LastPass by going to https://lastpass.onelink.me/... (2020)
In the ten years since its publication in 1988, Stephen Hawking's classic work has become a landmark volume in scientific writing, with more than n... (2020)
The Guardian Published on Sep 23, 2013 No time to read Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time? In just two and a half minutes, Alok Jha expl... (2018)
PBS Space Time 2.01M subscribers Check out the new Space Time Merch Store! We actually have a pretty good idea of what might have happened bef... (2020)
Watch my new video about the fourth dimension... (2020)
Download a free audiobook version of "A Brief History of Time" and support TED-Ed's nonprofit mission. Check out our full book recomm... (2020)
Time dilation and Einstein’s theory of relativity go hand in hand. Albert Einstein is the most popular physicist, as he formulated the theory of re... (2020)