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Chunks within this category

Physics ideas: what is Light?

Physics ideas: what is Light?

Double slit experiment - Multiverse theory and Quantum physics - Big Ideas in Physics

Double slit experiment - Multiverse theory and Quantum physics - Big Ideas in Physics

James Webb Telescope JWST - Science, Stars and Astronomy - images, new ideas

Images from James Webb Telescope JWST - measuring for the origin of Stars, universe, big bang

Chemistry - videos to help get students interested in science

Chemistry - videos to help get students interested in science

Physics ideas: is faster-than-light travel possible?

Physics ideas: is faster-than-light travel possible?

Quantum Computing - introduction

Quantum Computing - introduction

Quantum Computing - and issues with encryption, cybersecurity

Quantum Computing - and issues with encryption, cybersecurity

Multiverse theory and Quantum physics - Big Ideas in Physics

Multiverse theory and Quantum physics - Big Ideas in Physics

Global warming - Science of the greenhouse effect, climate change and carbon emissions

Global warming - Science of the greenhouse effect, climate change and carbon emissions

Quantum Computing - doubts, skepticism

Quantum Computing - doubts, skepticism

Big Ideas in Physics - String Theory

Big Ideas in Physics - String Theory

James Webb Telescope - Science, Stars and Astronomy

James Webb Telescope - Science, Stars and Astronomy

Space Travel - warp drives, worm holes, speed of light, more

Space Travel - warp drives, worm holes, speed of light, more

Einstein’s Field Equations, Special and General Relativity - Big ideas in Physics

Einstein’s Field Equations, Special and General Relativity - Big ideas in Physics

Big Ideas in Physics - Expansion of the universe

Big Ideas in Physics - Expansion of the universe

Supernovae - Telescopes, Stars and Astronomy

Supernovae - Telescopes, Stars and Astronomy

Physics curriculum - undergraduate self study guide for learning advanced physics concepts

Physics curriculum - undergraduate self study guide for learning advanced physics concepts

Resources within this category


A Guide to the James Webb Telescope's View of the Universe - The New York Times

A stunning advancement in a long history of stargazing, the James Webb telescope reveals light where once we saw only darkness. Our view of the uni... (2023)


"Ignoring the Possibility of Progress Is a Sure Method of Destroying Ourselves" – Interview with Physicist David Deutsch

Fly to the stars? Conquer the climate crisis? Mankind can solve all problems, argues British physicist David Deutsch. Progress, he says, is the key... (2022)


So You Want to Learn Physics — Susan Rigetti

Nearly six years ago, I sat down at my desk and typed up a detailed guide for anyone who wanted to learn physics on their own. At the time, I had n... (2022)


The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Volume I

There are several reasons you might be seeing this page. In order to read the online edition of The Feynman Lectures on Physics, javascript must be... (2021)


Big Bang: How We Are Trying to ‘Listen’ to It—and the New Physics It Could Unveil

The reward of being able to detect cosmological gravitational waves would be huge. Many phenomena in the early universe could have produced them. (2021)


This AI could predict 10 years of scientific priorities—if we let it | MIT Technology Review

The Decadal Survey, expected at the end of September, sets the tone for a new era of space exploration. One team of researchers wants the survey to... (2021)


Bye, bye, little Susy - Supersymmetry | Science & technology - The Economist

Life, the universe and everything - Physics seeks the future (2021)


In praise of physics - Fundamental physics is humanity’s most extraordinary achievement

It sees worlds in grains of sand and infinities in hours | Leaders (2021)


Einstein’s Dreams: Physicist Alan Lightman’s Poetic Exploration of Time – Brain Pickings

“A life in the past cannot be shared with the present. Each person who gets stuck in time gets stuck alone.” (2021)


Eternal Change for No Energy: A Time Crystal Finally Made Real | Quanta Magazine

Like a perpetual motion machine, a time crystal forever cycles between states without consuming energy. Physicists claim to have built this new pha... (2021)


Physicists Find Particles That Switch Between Matter and Antimatter

Scientists have discovered a subatomic particle that can switch between matter and antimatter. This has big implications on how we look at the Univ... (2021)


Finding From Particle Research Could Break Known Laws of Physics - The New York Times

It’s not the next Higgs boson — yet. But the best explanation, physicists say, involves forms of matter and energy not currently known to science. (2021)


Priyamvada Natarajan: Solving Dark Matter and Dark Energy - The Long Now

Dr. Priyamvada Natarajan is a Professor in the Departments of Astronomy and Physics at Yale University. Her latest book is Mapping the Heavens: Th... (2021)


What is relativity? Einstein's mind-bending theory explained

Albert Einstein is famous for his theory of relativity, and GPS navigation and nuclear energy would be impossible without the equation e=mc2. (2021)


What Was Einstein Talking About With His Theory of Relativity?

Einstein's theory of relativity is a famous theory, but it's little understood. Learn all about the concepts that make up the theory of relativity. (2021)


The farthest galaxy in the universe

A team of astronomers used the Keck I telescope to measure the distance to an ancient galaxy. They deduced the target galaxy GN-z11 is not only the... (2020)


What Is a Particle?

It has been thought of as many things: a pointlike object, an excitation of a field, a speck of pure math that has cut into reality. But never has ... (2020)


Coming to Our Senses - By Neil deGrasse Tyson, Natural History Magazine

Our eyes are special detectors. They allow us to register information not only from across the room but from across the universe. Without vision, t... (2020)


The Math Trick Behind MP3s, JPEGs, and Homer Simpson’s Face

Over a decade ago, I was sitting in a college math physics course and my professor spelt out an idea that kind of blew my mind. This mathematica... (2020)


Why Gravity Is Not Like the Other Forces

We asked four physicists why gravity stands out among the forces of nature. We got four different answers. (2020)


When Did Time Really Begin? The Little Loophole in the Big Bang

A pleasurable warping of the figuring faculty to contemplate what was there before the before. (2020)


How Were Atoms Created?

Another great kid question, that has a simple answer but also leads to a bunch of subtle points when you dig a little deeper. (2020)


Finally We May Have a Path to the Fundamental Theory of Physics… and It’s Beautiful—Stephen Wolfram Writings

How does our universe work? Scientist Stephen Wolfram opens up his ongoing Wolfram Physics Project to a global effort. His team will livestream wor... (2020)


When Gravity Breaks Down

Theoretical physicists have known since the 1930s that quantum gravity is necessary to bring order into the laws of nature, but 80… Albert... (2020)


First-ever photo proof of powerful jet emerging from colliding galaxies

A team of Clemson University College of Science researchers, in collaboration with international colleagues, has reported the first definitive dete... (2020)


Last year, we finally photographed a black hole. Now what?

With access to a distant enough telescope, the Event Horizon Telescope collaboration could discern multiple reflections of light streaming from aro... (2020)


Making Sense of Quantum Mechanics

Philosopher David Albert thinks there might be a “clear and straightforward” way of thinking about quantum phenomena Interest in qua... (2020)


Mechanical Gears - explained, illustrated

I’ve always been fascinated by mechanical gears. There is something captivating about the way their teeth come together to create a fluid, unified ... (2020)


This is the highest-resolution photo of the sun ever taken - MIT Technology Review

The telescope, a major part of the National Science Foundation’s Solar National Solar Observatory, will become fully operational this July. (2020)


This particle accelerator fits on the head of a pin – TechCrunch

If you know nothing else about particle accelerators, you probably know that they're big — sometimes miles long. But a new approach from Stanford r... (2020)


Quantum computing: Facts, fiction and the future

Dialogues on Technology and SocietyQuantum computing is a hot field right now—so hot that it’s hard to discern what’s real and what’s exaggerated. ... (2024)


The Unanswered Questions of Space: Quantum Entanglement, Dark Matter, and Dark Energy

Nobel Prize-winning astrophysicist John Mather illuminates the universe's deepest mysteries. In this episode, we delve into the search for extrater... (2023)


Are There Many Worlds? David Deutsch in conversation with Markus Arndt

Are There Many Worlds? David Deutsch in conversation with Markus Arndt (2023)


Single Photon Interference - double slit experiment

What happens when single photons of light pass through a double slit and are detected by a photomultiplier tube? In 1801 Thomas Young seemed to set... (2023)


The Original Double Slit Experiment

Light is so common that we rarely think about what it really is. But just over two hundred years ago, a groundbreaking experiment answered the ques... (2023)


Double Slit Experiment | Answers With Joe

The Double Slit Experiment started as a way to determine if light is a wave or a particle - but it uncovered mysteries that have baffled science to... (2023)


Where Does Grounded Electricity Actually Go?

Grounding is one of the most confusing and misunderstood aspects of the grid. (2023)


Quantum Computers Could Solve These Problems

Quantum Computers Could Solve These Problems (2023)


Michio Kaku Breaks Silence On JWST James Webb Telescope’s Shocking New Image!

James Webb Telescope's New Image Proves Time Existed Before The Big Bang! Renowned theoretical physicist Michio Kaku just shared a shocking discove... (2023)


Are warp drives science now?

Today we'll talk about one of my favorite topics, warp drives. I am fascinated by warp drives because they are future technology straight out of sc... (2023)


Do we travel through time at the speed of light?

In this video I explain why it is correct to say that we all travel through time at the speed of light and just what this means. (2023)


The Speed of Light is NOT About Light

Sign Up on Patreon to get access to the Space Time Discord! up for the mailing list to get episode notific... (2023)


I Think Faster Than Light Travel is Possible. Here's Why.

If you've been following my channel for a really long time, you might remember that some years ago I made a video about whether faster-than-light t... (2023)


Black hole the size of 20 million suns speeding through space

Astronomers have discovered a runaway supermassive black hole, the size of 20 million suns, speeding through space.The discovery is the first obser... (2023)


The trickiest problem in statistics (and how it relates to the probability of the multiverse)

For decades, the Sleeping Beauty Problem has divided people between two answers. 160,439 People Agree With Me, 64,831 Disagree… (2023)


How do airplanes actually fly? - TedED - Raymond Adkins

Explore the physics of flight, and discover how aerodynamic lift generates the force needed for planes to fly.--By 1917, Albert Einstein had explai... (2023)


I Misunderstood the Greenhouse Effect. Here's How It Works.

Global warming: I Misunderstood the Greenhouse Effect. Here's How It Works. (2023)


Time Does Not Exist. Let me explain with a graph.

Time Does Not Exist. Let me explain with a graph. How do we really move through spacetime? … (2022)


The Multiverse: Science, Religion, or Pseudoscience?

The Multiverse: Science, Religion, or Pseudoscience? Why do physicists think that our ... (2022)


Counterfactual Quantum Computation is Really Weird

To try out our new course (and many others on math and science), go to You can get started for free, and the first 20... (2022)


String theory pros and cons

In this video I explain why so many physicists believe in string theory but that it also comes with a number of problems. It requires the existence... (2022)


The Absurd Search For Dark Matter - Veritasium

The Absurd Search For Dark Matter - Veritasium (2022)


How Electricity Actually Works

How Electricity Actually Works (2022)


Warp Drive News. Seriously!

What is a warp drive? Are they scientifically possible? How does the... (2022)


Dark Energy might not exist after all

Correction to what I say at 5:26 mins: The supernovae that Permutter & Riess used were not all from the same direction of the sky, but the low-reds... (2022)


Dark matter. Or what? - Sabine Hossenfelder

In this video I explain just what physicists mean when they speak about "dark matter" and what reasons we have to think that dark matter exists. In... (2022)


David Deutsch: A new way to explain explanation

For tens of thousands of years our ancestors understood the world through myths, and the pace of change was glacial. The rise of scientific underst... (2022)


Do Black Holes Create New Universes?

Do Black Holes Create New Universes? (2022)


What If Our Understanding of Gravity Is Wrong? Dark matters

What If Our Understanding of Gravity Is Wrong? Dark matters (2021)


The Real Meaning of E=mc²

The Real Meaning of E=mc² (2021)


Neil Gershenfeld: Self-Replicating Robots and the Future of Fabrication - Lex Fridman Podcast on Spotify

Listen to this episode from Lex Fridman Podcast on Spotify. Neil Gershenfeld is the director of the MIT Center for Bits and Atoms. OUTLINE:... (2023)


64 - The Journey to the Big Bang - Why This Universe? | Podcast on Spotify

The Big Bang is well accepted today as the leading theory of how our universe evolved over time - but in today's episode, we talk through all the v... (2023)


1 - Why Are We So Sure About Dark Matter? - Why This Universe? | Podcast on Spotify

Listen to this episode from Why This Universe? on Spotify. Dark matter sounds as mysterious as it is - an invisible form of matter that permeates o... (2023)


David Deutsch: Knowledge Creation and The Human Race - Naval | Podcast on Spotify

Listen to this episode from Naval on Spotify. Introduction 0:00 The Human Race 2:11 Knowledge Creation 12:34 AGI 15:50 Taking Children Seriously 23... (2023)


The Peculiar Case Of Dark Matter : Short Wave : NPR

The universe is so much bigger than what people can see, and astrophysicist Priyamvada Natarajan is trying to figure out that which we can not see.... (2021)


Thomas Zurbuchen: Adventures in Astrophysics [The Knowledge Project Ep. #108]

In this episode, Thomas and Shane discuss the origin of his passion for astrophysics, commercial spaceflight, exciting experiments going on at the ... (2021)


The Character of Consciousness

In this book David Chalmers follows up and extends his thoughts and arguments on the nature of consciousness that he first set forth in his groundb... (2023)


The Science of Interstellar

A journey through the otherworldly science behind Christopher Nolan’s award-winning film, Interstellar, from executive producer and Nobel Prize-win... (2022)


Einstein's Dreams

A modern classic, Einstein’s Dreams is a fictional collage of stories dreamed by Albert Einstein in 1905, about time, relativity and physics. As th... (2021)


A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking

In the ten years since its publication in 1988, Stephen Hawking's classic work has become a landmark volume in scientific writing, with more than n... (2020)

Content Stats

105 Articles
70 Videos
6 Podcasts
4 Books
62 Chunks