The Double Slit Experiment started as a way to determine if light is a wave or a particle - but it uncovered mysteries that have baffled science to this day....

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This video is about the Double Slit Experiment. It is a scientific experiment that was started to determine if light is a wave or particle and led to discoveries about reality. The video explains how Thomas Young created the experiment in the late 1600s and how it has been replicated since then. Through his observations, Young determined that light travels as a wave when projected through two tiny slits, which contradicted the beliefs of Sir Isaac Newton. Then, other experiments showed that it could also act as a particle. In addition, more complex layers were added to this experiment in the 1920s - showing even stranger behaviors such as photons being in multiple places at once - which further challenged ideas about matter and reality itself. This video explains these concepts clearly and offers an interesting insight into what this experiment has revealed over time.

Keywords: Double Slit Experiment, Light Wave/Particle Duality, Light Traveling Waves, Interference Pattern, Particle-Wave Duality, Waveform Collapsing


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