In this book David Chalmers follows up and extends his thoughts and arguments on the nature of consciousness that he first set forth in his groundbreaking 1996 book, The Conscious Mind.

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This book, The Character of Consciousness by David Chalmers, discusses the nature and meaning of consciousness. In it, Chalmers examines the interaction between physical and mental aspects of consciousness, and attempts to resolve some ongoing philosophical debates surrounding consciousness. He reviews issues related to how we create meaning in our lives through thought and understanding, as well as how our consciousness works in a physical world. The book is a philosophical exploration which dives into topics such as the 'hard problem' of consciousness and its implications for science and society. The main message of this book is that consciousness can be understood from both a physical and mental perspective. By discussing different philosophical theories on the matter, Chalmers attempts to explore new angles on this topic which will help us develop a better understanding of what it means to be conscious.

Keywords: Consciousness, Philosophical Exploration, Physical Perspective, Mental Perspective


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