a collection of articles and videos looking at the challenges (and opportunities) of open-source software development
From personal blogs to massive documentation sites, Markdoc is a content authoring system that grows with you. (2022)
FoundationDB is a distributed datastore, designed from the ground up to be deployed on clusters of commodity hardware. These clusters scale well as... (2018)
Elastic, the provider of subscription-based data search software used by Dell, Netflix, The New York Times and others, has unveiled its IPO filing ... (2018)
By joining the Open Invention Network, Microsoft is offering its entire patent portfolio -- with the legacy exception of its Windows and desktop ap... (2018)
Bitcoin cash devs are fighting over what code changes to make next. If no one compromises, hard-forked coin could itself split into two. (2018)
The Instructure open-source strategy is simple: open source is necessary but not sufficient to fulfill the needs of this market. The market also need (2018)
The best open source collaborative text editors and the tech behind them. For years now I've had this itch, trying to find the "perfect" collabo... (2019)
Privacy and Security focused Segment-alternative, in Golang and React - rudderlabs/rudder-server Rudder is an open-source Segment alternative ... (2019)
Lead with open source and keep your workflow going with the right team collaboration platform (2021)