a collection of articles looking at the problem of Biased Algorithms - and the importance of good data sets in AI
Computer scientists must identify sources of bias, de-bias training data and develop artificial-intelligence algorithms that are robust to skews in... (2018)
At a time when AI and digital platforms are under fire, Orly Lobel, a renowned tech policy scholar, defends technology as a powerful tool we can ha... (2023)
Listen to this episode from 99% Invisible on Spotify. Computer algorithms now shape our world in profound and mostly invisible ways. They predict i... (2022)
As more people use artificial intelligence, they will need tools that detect unfairness in the underlying algorithms. (2018)
Wired Magazine, Tim O’Reilly interview, 2017: "In his new book, Tim O'Reilly identifies the first case of AI run amok—and it's not what you think. (2017)
“These days algorithms have taken on an almost godlike power—they’re up in the (data) clouds, watching everything, passing judgment and leaving us ... (2017)
Business Insider, 2017, "Cathy O'Neil, a self-proclaimed math nerd and author of "Weapons of Math Destruction" explains how police data leads to b... (2017)
Cathy O’Neil, book, 2017: “I don’t think mathematical models are inherently evil — I think it’s the ways they’re used that are evil,” says mathemat... (2017)
IBM is launching software which will monitor algorithms in real time and highlight how they make decisions. (2018)
Researchers at MIT unveiled their latest creation: Norman, a disturbed AI. The point of the experiment was to show how easy it is to bias any artif... (2018)
The death of a woman hit by a self-driving car highlights an unfolding technological crisis, as code piled on code creates ‘a universe no one fully... (2018)
The image tagging system that went viral on social media was part of artist Trevor Paglen and AI researcher Kate Crawford's attempts to publicize h... (2019)
That question in the headline was the challenge posed by a group of open knowledge junkies in Germany who wanted to understand how a person’s Schuf... (2019)
Bias can creep in at many stages of the deep-learning process, and the standard practices in computer science aren’t designed to detect it. (2019)
Seek and you shall find Our statistical study revealed no evidence of ideological bias in the search engine’s news tab... (2019)
How algorithms, ad targeting, and other new technologies threaten fair housing laws. ... "when looking at tenant applications, an automated s... (2019)
Across the United States and Europe, software is making probation decisions and predicting whether teens will commit crime. Opponents want more hum... (2020)
A study has highlighted the risks inherent in using historical data to train machine-learning algorithms to make predictions.The news: An algorithm... (2020)
Black Americans have seen technology used to target them again and again. Stopping it means looking at the problem differently. (2020)
Amidst a controversy, it’s important to remember that implicit bias is real—and it matters When is the last time a stereotype popped into your m... (2020)
A formula for assessing the gravity of kidney disease is one of many that is adjusted for race. The practice can exacerbate health disparities. (2020)
The potential for AI to help society is enormous. But at the same time we need to develop technology with a focus on ethics, access and fairness. T... (2021)
Hey, GPT-3: Why are rabbits cute? “How are rabbits cute? Is it their big ears, or maybe they’re fluffy? Or is it the way they hop around? No, actua... (2020)
by Rashida Richardson, Jason Schultz, Kate Crawford :: SSRN In a research paper titled “Dirty Data, Bad Predictions,” lead author Rashida Richa... (2020)