a collection of articles about GPL, MIT and other Open Source Licenses
As I got started writing open source software, I generally preferred the MIT license. I actually made fun of the “copyleft” GPL licenses, on the gr... (2019)
An alarmist title, I know, but it’s true. If the Commons clause were to be adopted by all open source projects, they would cease to be open source1... (2018)
A federal court has ruled that an open-source license is an enforceable contract (2017)
A federal court has ruled that an open-source license is an enforceable contract. GNU General Public License (GPL) (2017)
Red Hat, Facebook, Google, and IBM commit to providing a fair cure period to correct license compliance issues for GPLv2 software (2017)
Years ago, while the GPLv3 was still being drafted, I got a chance to attend a presentation by Richard Stallman. He did his whole routine as St IGN... (2017)