a collection of articles and videos looking at the challenges (and opportunities) of open-source software development
The VIPER mission could turn the space industry on to less expensive, more accessible technologies. (2021)
They overthrew the government. Now they have to work out how to govern “Fork” is used in open source communities to describe the process of crea... (2021)
A federal court has ruled that an open-source license is an enforceable contract (2017)
GitHub lemonade-stand - A handy guide to financial support for open source "I do open source work, how do I find funding?" Below I've lis... (2017)
It’s no secret that open-source technology -- once the province of radicals, hippies and granola eaters -- has gone mainstream. According to indust... (2018)
Your push could infringe someone's copyright. remote: If you believe this is a false positive (e.g., it's yours, open remote: source, not copyright... (2018)
EFF has been writing about the upcoming European Digital Single Market directive on copyright for a long time now. But it's time to put away the ke... (2018)
With the force of hundreds of thousands of developers working to create GNU software and the GNU/Linux operating system, free software has secured ... (2018)
“The two terms describe almost the same category of software, but they stand for views based on fundamentally different values. Open source is a de... (2018)
If blockchain projects seek adoption by enterprises, their open-source license will have a material impact on the rate of adoption, say legal experts. (2018)
A large minority of open-source projects come with a CLA, or Contributor License Agreement, and require you to sign one before they’ll merge your p... (2018)
An alarmist title, I know, but it’s true. If the Commons clause were to be adopted by all open source projects, they would cease to be open source1... (2018)
Microsoft bought GitHub. IBM bought Red Hat. Those and other deals show how central open source software has become to companies big and small. (2018)
AWS launched DocumentDB today, a new database offering that is compatible with the MongoDB API. The company describes DocumentDB as a “fast, scalab... (2019)
There’s a war going on. When isn’t there a war going on? But I’m not talking about a physical war here: I’m talking about a war over meaning. This ... (2019)