"We live in the age of the algorithm. Increasingly, the decisions that affect our lives - whether we get a job or a loan, how much we pay for insurance - are being made by mathematical models. ..." Cathy O'Neil
TED ed: "An algorithm is a mathematical method of solving problems both big and small. Though computers run algorithms constantly, humans can also ... (2017)
From the physical world to the virtual world, algorithms are seemingly everywhere. David J. Malan, Professor of Computer Science at Harvard Univers... (2023)
Khan Academy | Algorithms | Computer Science | "Computer Science on Khan Academy: Learn select topics from computer science - algorithms (how we ... (2017)
WGBHForum, 2017: "In her award-winning book, Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy (2016), Cathy O... (2017)
What is an algorithm ? It’s a sequence of steps that you follow to solve a problem. In everyday life, you might have an algorithm for hangin... ... (2017)
We've partnered with Dartmouth college professors Tom Cormen and Devin Balkcom to teach introductory computer science algorithms, including searchi... (2017)
this article displays the list of machine learning algorithms such as linear, logistic regression, kmeans, decision trees along with Python R code.... (2017)
The death of a woman hit by a self-driving car highlights an unfolding technological crisis, as code piled on code creates ‘a universe no one fully... (2018)
Adrian Mejia blog about programming and software engineering. Featuring MEAN stack (AngularJS, NodeJS, MongoDB and Express), BackboneJS, RESTful AP... (2018)
WANT a job with a successful multinational? You will face lots of competition. Two years ago Goldman Sachs received a quarter of a million applicat... (2018)