General AI: To Be Feared Or Embraced? A collection of articles and resources from leading (human) thinkers...
We don’t know how to contain or align a FOOMing AGI FOOM AGI Can’t Be Contained AGI FOOM AGI is Artificial General Intelligence: a machine... (2023)
AI has formed a new team, Preparedness, to study the 'catastrophic risks' that might be associated with future AI systems -- including nuclear risks. (2023)
Nautilus, 2017: "The AI they had built, nicknamed Prometheus, kept getting more capable. Although its cognitive abilities still lagged far behind t... (2017)
Vanity Fair, 2017: "Elon Musk is famous for his futuristic gambles, but Silicon Valley’s latest rush to embrace artificial intelligence scares him.... (2017)
“These days algorithms have taken on an almost godlike power—they’re up in the (data) clouds, watching everything, passing judgment and leaving us ... (2017)
Medium: “In 1965, I. J. Good described for the first time the notion of “intelligence explosion”, as it relates to artificial intelligence (AI): D... (2017)
This is a reply to Francois Chollet, the inventor of the Keras wrapper for the Tensorflow and Theano deep learning systems, on his essay “The impos... (2017)
Those who create future technologies should also fear their power. “turning to a pop-culture touchstone that addresses some of those darker repe... (2018)
Lynn M. LoPucki University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) - School of Law Date Written: April 17, 2017 Abstract In an article published ... (2018)
Artificial intelligence could be the ultimate authoritarian tool. But one thing's for sure: Charging into an AI arms race against China is a huge m... (2018)
Companies, insurers, and policy makers all play a role. (2018)
We've co-authored a paper that forecasts how malicious actors could misuse AI technology, and potential ways we can prevent and mitigate these thre... (2018)
"Even when we don’t know it, artificial intelligence affects virtually every aspect of our modern lives. Technology and commerce will ensure it wil... (2018)
The Defense Department’s cutting-edge research arm has promised to make the military’s largest investment to date in artificial intelligence system... (2018)
For years, Elon Musk has offered dire warnings about the potential dark future of artificial intelligence. Now, Musk is turning up the volume of hi... (2018)
Researchers at MIT unveiled their latest creation: Norman, a disturbed AI. The point of the experiment was to show how easy it is to bias any artif... (2018)
A new guidebook for tech companies helps them imagine future scenarios where their tech might end up causing societal harm. (2018)
Mary Shelley foresaw that artificial intelligence would be made monstrous, not by human hubris but by human cruelty (2018)
The public thinks that AI is likely to cause more harm than good, a new report has shown. (2019)