Police and Criminal Justice in the USA
As millions of people across the country take to the streets and raise their voices in response to the killing of George Floyd and the ongoing prob... (2020)
Roland Fryer Jr.’s life is a movie script: A man abandoned by his mom and raised by an alcoholic dad became the youngest black professor to ever se... (2022)
The gap between the liberal mayors who run many big cities and the officers who help police them is especially pronounced in the wake of George Flo... (2020)
No 'blue wall of silence:' A military lawyer explains why the US armed forces take accountability and justice seriously. (2020)
Families were subjected to around-the-clock visits from deputies, who often arrived without evidence of a crime. As the Tampa Bay Times reports,... (2020)
by Rashida Richardson, Jason Schultz, Kate Crawford :: SSRN In a research paper titled “Dirty Data, Bad Predictions,” lead author Rashida Richa... (2020)