Applying to Elite Top Universities in the USA - problems, scandals and gaming the system
Harvard's current freshman class is made up of over 36 percent legacy students. And as of 2015, legacy applicants were five times more likely to ge... (2019)
How College Consultants Invent Perfect Ivy League Applicants. Elite educational consultants like Command Education charge upwards of $120,000 a y... (2024)
A federal trial has lifted the curtains on Harvard’s admissions process. Here is what we've learned. (2018)
In the final ‘shaping’ of an incoming class, academic standards give way to other, more ambiguous factors The admissions process at such schools... (2020)
A new college admissions scandal is just the latest proof of a grossly uneven playing field. (2019)
The Newest College Admissions Ploy: Paying to Make Your Teen a “Peer-Reviewed” Author A group of services, often connected to pricey college cou... (2023)
There’s a deeper meaning behind the us-and-them boundaries drawn by attendees of highly selective schools. (2019)
The suit, which accuses the university of discriminating against Asian-Americans, has shed light on little-known aspects of Harvard’s selection pro... (2018)