A collection about Study Abroad - Transfer Credits - College & University Education
International Business Seminars works with a variety of universities to ensure you will receive credit for your study abroad experience at your ins... (2018)
Study: Here's the Real Cost Per Credit Hour Students Have to Pay. Looking to calculate the real cost of attending college? Consider the cost per c... (2018)
Independent study offers students the opportunity to work one-to-one with faculty in an area of shared scholarship. It is your responsibility to ap... (2018)
Four years ago, a business school began requiring its undergraduates to study abroad. How has the policy worked out? (2018)
For linguistics and language studies majors, many research projects start out as projects or papers completed in a class. Whether this is true or n... (2018)
Independent Study > Independent Study + Tutorials > Undergraduate > Academics > NYU Gallatin (2018)
Independent Study Proposal Guidelines > Independent Study > Independent Study + Tutorials > Undergraduate > Academics > NYU Gallatin (2018)
Elon University is a mid-sized private university in North Carolina that is nationally recognized as the premier student-centered environment for e... (2018)
Asian Studies ProgramFlorida International UniversityModesto A. Maidique CampusSIPA Building, Room 50511200 SW 8th StreetMiami, FL 33199Phone: 305-... (2018)
Government majors with an interest in studying abroad are encouraged to consult the Global Education Office of the Reves Center for International S... (2018)