a collection of articles about Supersymmetry - Big Ideas in Physics
It sees worlds in grains of sand and infinities in hours | Leaders (2021)
In this video I explain why so many physicists believe in string theory but that it also comes with a number of problems. It requires the existence... (2022)
Life, the universe and everything - Physics seeks the future (2021)
A controversial new paper argues that universes with dark energy profiles like ours do not exist in the “landscape” of universes allowed by string ... (2018)
Here's how proving supersymmetry could completely change how we understand the universe It could bolster the standard model, or turn our attenti... (2018)
Supersymmetry predicts a partner particle for each particle in the Standard Model, to help explain why particles have mass The Standard Model ha... (2018)
Researchers have found a way to accelerate antimatter in a 1000x smaller space than current accelerators, boosting the science of exotic particles.... (2018)