Alternatives to Silicon Valley - Startup Hubs and Innovation Clusters in the USA. A collection of resources about startup hubs and innovation clusters across the USA, highlighting alternatives to Silicon Valley and exploring emerging ecosystems fostering entrepreneurship and innovation
Putting their money where their machines are | United States (2022)
Austin is a mediocre city, but a great place to live. Since I moved to town, a bunch of people have asked me, “What’s up with Austin?” This ... (2022)
*This article was originally published in collaboration with Compound as part of their new content initiative: "The Archive".* As Samuel Morse’s te... (2022)
Why has San Francisco’s startup scene generated so many hugely valuable companies over the past decade? (2018)
A growing body of research shows that innovative businesses are common in rural areas, and rural innovation gets a boost from the arts. (2018)
Forget writing a big check. Here is a path to tech supremacy that the finalist cities have already taken. (2018)
The rest aren’t rising, and spatial inequality is getting worse. (2018)
INNOVATION Before Silicon Valley, New Jersey Reigned As Nation's Center Of Innovation (2017)
Stanford Politics - Read Andrew Granato's cover story for the November 2017 issue of Stanford Politics Magazine. (2017)
Seattle is home to some of the biggest names in tech, including Amazon and Microsoft. The vibrant and laid back seaport town is also the locatio... (2018)
Established tech hubs continue to lead, but startup hubs are emerging in new, smaller places. The catch: Startup financing overall is on the wane. (2018)
Techstars, the worldwide network that helps entrepreneurs succeed, and the SportsTech founding partners Next Level Fund, Indiana Sports Corp, NCAA ... (2018)
While it is impossible to get into the heads of the planners at Amazon, especially Chairman and CEO Jeff Bezos, a new CNBC analysis of the retailer... (2018)
It is a brief summary of Brad's book Startup Communities: Building an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Your City, meant to be a refresher for those fam... (2018)
Two tech titans made billions and remade the city. Is it any better off? (2018)
The new geography of innovation “LIKE Florence in the Renaissance.” That is a common description of what it is like to live in Silicon Valley. A... (2018)
A new study finds that high-growth companies flock to neighborhoods that are more mixed-use and transit-accessible, whether in urban centers or sub... (2018)
Urban leaders need to kick the incentive habit and take a more inclusive approach to growing local economies. (2019)
Hanford, California, No. 1 on Bloomberg Brain Drain Index Boulder, Colorado, again tops Brain Concentration Index (2018)
Nashville and others are thriving thanks to a mix of luck, astute political choices and well-timed investments, while cities like Birmingham, Ala.,... (2018)
Where should you go to start your next business, expand your company, or find the best job candidates? Here's your guidebook to the most dynamic ci... (2018)
Looking at the population and job growth of large cities proper, rather than their metro areas, uncovers some surprises. (2020)
Refresh Miami hosted Brad Feld. author, VC, community builder and co-founder of TechStars, for a fireside chat at TheVentureCity. Members of Miami... (2020)
Venture For America is a fellowship program for recent college graduates who want to become startup leaders and entrepreneurs. (2020)
These engines of regional growth will struggle with state funding cuts, fewer foreign students and destroyed household finances. (2020)
Learn about the Research Triangle from Bob Geolas, President and CEO of the Research Triangle Foundation of North Carolina, who explains what the t... (2020)
The Midwest may not be known for its thriving tech startup scene. But jobs data show tons of Midwestern tech companies are hiring, making the regio... (2020)