Introduction to careers in Data Science
And how to build a successful data organization around them. (2018)
This infographic compares the hot jobs of global data science analytics industry with roles of Data Scientist vs data engineer vs statistician (2015)
Murray Webb had been a lackluster student more interested in sports than schoolwork while attending a small Virginia college. Then he transferred t... (2018)
YCombinator, Michael Seibel 2017: "When people ask me for tech career advice I find it helpful to lay out the three paths I’ve encountered most in ... (2017)
I know that machine learning is pretty math heavy, and I have taken a look at some of the mathematics involved and some programming firms also don'... (2017)
It’s easier for companies to train existing employees for it than to hire new ones. "Companies have widened their aperture, recognizing that suc... (2018)
Start here! Predict survival on the Titanic and get familiar with ML basics In this challenge, we ask you to complete the analysis of what sorts... (2017)
Issue 19: Illusions - Nautilus, 2014: "Want to spin your data? Here’s how. A chart’s purpose is usually to help you properly interpret data. But ... (2017)
The synergism of Big Data and artificial intelligence holds amazing promise for business. (2018)
Data Science Journal | Cecilia Lee "This is a detailed step-by-step introduction to R programming. Starting with the two major reasons to learn ... (2017)
Christopher Wylie goes on the record to discuss his role in hijacking the profiles of millions of Facebook users in order to target the US electorate (2018)
Understanding word vectors: A tutorial for "Reading and Writing Electronic Text," a class I teach at ITP. (Python 2.7) In this tutorial, I'm go... (2018)