Product Hunt, eBook; "The best career advice from founders, investors, and world-changing leaders. Including: (2017)
YCombinator, Michael Seibel 2017: "When people ask me for tech career advice I find it helpful to lay out the three paths I’ve encountered most in ... (2017)
Medium, 2014: "To say that we need designers who can code misrepresents the underlying issue...Saying designers should code creates a sense that we... (2014)
Sophomore Ravi Krishna discusses how the project teaches students about machine- and deep-learning technologies...For the most part, I’m self-taugh... (2017)
A guest post by Hunter Walk, including 17 of the best companies to join for new grads (2017)
Every discussion about the consequences of automation eventually has to lead to the same conclusion: Millions of human jobs are about to disappear ... (2017)
FreeCodeCamp, Medium, 2017: “One common question people ask me is whether they should go the “freelance” route as opposed to getting a job or star... (2017)
Paul Graham essay, May 2003, (This essay is derived from a guest lecture at Harvard, which incorporated an earlier talk at Northeastern.) "Hack... (2017)
YC, Hacker News, 2017 discussion board: "I'm a intermediate-level programmer, and would like to dip my toes in AI, starting with the simple st... (2017)
An acquaintance of mine, let’s call him Mike, is looking for work after getting laid off from a contract role at Microsoft, which has happened to a... (2017)
Software engineer salary data from Triplebyte offers. Senior software engineer: $155,000 base salary median. Mid-level software engineer: $134,000.... (2017)
Instead of focusing on the work, think what you do with it. Think of making them very happy. It could be a client or customer. It could be your boss. (2017)
The job market in the U.S. is brimming right now with fresh and exciting opportunities for professionals in a range of emerging roles. New types of... (2017)
From time to time, I get asked for career advice. Sometimes it’s folks looking to get into product management, and others just curious about workin... (2017)
GitHub - jwasham/coding-interview-university: A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer. I originally created this a... (2017)
If you need to build an "Uber for X" product there is a simple path that gets the job done: Build an MVP with well-established technologies. Start ... (2017)
This is CS50’s introduction to technology for students who don’t (yet!) consider themselves computer persons. "This is CS50's introduction to te... (2017)
It is quite possible to learn, follow and contribute to state-of-art work in deep learning in about 6 months’ time. This article details out the st... (2018)
What is the state of developer skills today? How can developers best keep their skills current? What are the most in-demand skills? Find out in th... (2018)
Coding might seem like a daunting, time-consuming and expensive skill to learn, but these entrepreneurs have learned the essentials with free tools. (2018)
The future shape of graduate and executive education is being shaped by the surge of “MicroMasters” on edX, to which 1.7 million students have regi... (2018)
Developer compensation has skyrocketed since the demise of the Google et al. wage-suppressing no-hire agreement, to the point where compensation ri... (2018)
A Career Crossroads In the early winter of 2004, I was a senior at Dartmouth College and in the fortunate position of having two good job offers...... (2018)
For the past four years, I’ve worked as a software developer at Google. On February 1st, I quit. It was because they refused to buy me a Christmas ... (2018)
Please read through the following Prerequisites and Prework sections before beginning Machine Learning Crash Course, to ensure you are prepared to ... (2018)
Six years ago, universities like MIT and Stanford first opened up free online courses to the public. Today, more than 800 schools around the world ... (2018)
There was a recent tweet that asked people to share their salary as a means of helping others, so I'll do that. I don't think it's enough, however1... (2019)
Everyone knows that you’re not supposed to start your argument with ‘everyone knows,’ but in this case, I think we ought to make an exception: Ever... (2019)