tips, tricks, hacks and ideas for living a better life
“When the standards have been set,” Epictetus said, “the work of philosophy is just this, to examine and uphold the standards, but the work of a tr... (2021)
Peter Bevelin begins his fascinating book with Confucius' great wisdom: "A man who has committed a mistake and doesn't correct it, is committing an... (2021)
Are you in charge of your life? Or are you being swept away by things that are seemingly out of your control? In AWAKEN THE GIANT WITHIN, Anthony R... (2021)
I quit, by Darius Foroux, "Read this if you're thinking about quitting. I personally think about quitting three or four times a month. But, I've f... (2017)
Book: "We are stuck, stymied, frustrated. But it needn’t be this way. There is a formula for success that’s been followed by the icons of history—... (2017)
Mike Monteiro – Medium, 2013: "Meetings may be toxic, but calendars are the superfund sites that allow that toxicity to thrive. All calendars suck... (2013)
Medium: "Most people don’t notice I’m polite, which is sort of the point. Here’s a polite person’s trick, one that has never failed me. I will sha... (2014)
School of Life: 2017: "No one is ever boring: we just seem boring when we haven’t learnt the surprisingly easy art of being honest about our vulner... (2017)
elle luna – Medium: "This is a story about two roads — Should and Must. It’s a pep talk for anyone who’s chosen Should for far too long — months, ... (2014)
Masters of Scale podcast, 2017: “#7 Grit Happens with Crisis Text Line's Nancy Lublin. To succeed, entrepreneurs need a good idea, timing, money, ... (2017)
Most people make relatively few personal experiments, in both small and big things. The cost of passivity is enormous. (2017)
Everything you need to know if you want to get better sleep. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know if you want to get bette... (2017)
Zenkit, Medium, 2017: “A path to productivity and peace of mind with GTD... Getting Things Done is a time management technique that took the wo... (2017)
Why your outdated brain is making you unhappy and how to hack it. (2017)
It’s not just about introspection. (2018)
Life does NOT happen to you, it happens FOR you. Many things in life are outside of our control, but the way we respond to events can shape our rea... (2018)
What the self-help gurus and their critics reveal about our times. Put away your self-help guides, and read a novel instead. Don’t mind if I do... (2018)
Self-help for your mind from centuries ago. "When they practiced inducing emotions through meditation, the monks were in fact drawing on the bra... (2018)
I came across a study a while back that freaked the crap out of me. According to the Pew Research Center, the average American reads 12 books per y... (2018)
"Be honest, frank and fearless and get some grasp of the real values of life... Read some good, heavy, serious books just for discipline: Take your... (2016)
New research could provide new hope for extending our brain function as we age. In a randomized clinical study involving adults age 56 to 71, resea... (2018)
In a series update, we catch up with a group of New Yorkers over age 90: warm, cranky, funny and three years older than when we first met them. (2018)
Charlie Munger's famous lecture on the art of stock picking as a subdivision of the art of worldly wisdom. (2018)
“If life is short, we should expect its shortness to take us by surprise. And that is just what tends to happen. You take things for granted, and t... (2018)
The smartest people in the world use mental models to make intelligent decisions, avoid stupidity, and increase productivity. Let's take a look at ... (2018)
Everything you ever wanted to know about how to truly be happy "When Yale began offering a new course this semester, over 1,000 students jumped ... (2018)
How We Spend Our Days Is How We Spend Our Lives: Annie Dillard on Choosing Presence Over Productivity – Brain Pickings “The life of sensation is... (2013)
The most successful people on the planet are also the people likeliest to devote an hour a day to reading and learning. (2018)
Flash back to 2012. You would find me squished between Wall Street bankers on a bus heading out of New York City at the height of rush hour, with a... (2017)