key articles, videos, books
The Atlantic, 2017: "Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation? More comfortable online than out partying, post-Millennials are safer, physically, t... (2017)
There are four widely researched styles of parenting: authoritative, permissive, authoritarian, and neglectful. The styles range from controlling t... (2021)
Issue 40: Learning - Nautilus, 2016: "Teaching cursive handwriting doesn’t have nearly the value we think it does. To me this symbolizes all th... (2017)
My friend Karen says her son Christopher’s devotion to garbage trucks began when he was around 18 months old. He would go nuts whenever he saw one.... (2017)
TED Published on Mar 26, 2009 With profound simplicity, Coach John Wooden redefines success and urges us all to pursue the best in ourselves. I... (2018)
Get started making music In these lessons, you'll learn the basics of music making. No prior experience or equipment is required; you'll do ever... (2017)
I came across a study a while back that freaked the crap out of me. According to the Pew Research Center, the average American reads 12 books per y... (2018)
The School of Life Published on Apr 11, 2013 LECTURE @THE SCHOOL OF LIFE: Sir Ken Robinson believes that everyone is born with extraordinary ca... (2018)
"Be honest, frank and fearless and get some grasp of the real values of life... Read some good, heavy, serious books just for discipline: Take your... (2016)
I’ve spent the past few months trying to teach myself the piano, pretty much from scratch. It’s been tough, and sometimes disheartening, but also h... (2018)
EVERY year in Singapore 1% of pupils in the third year of primary school bring home an envelope headed “On government service”. Inside is an invita... (2018)
Reading aloud and playing imaginative games may help children deal with emotions like anger and sadness, researchers say. (2018)
Kids, no matter how you’ve raised them, will find themselves in tough situations. You know these moments—the ones where they don’t want to be there... (2018)
A conversation with a researcher who has studied materialism for almost 30 years (2018)
It doesn’t make you look authoritative. It makes you look out of control to your kids. It makes you look weak. (2018)
“Okay, Mom, my room is clean!” (2018)
When parents have something to say that they really want teenagers to hear, these approaches can help get the message across. (2018)
At the top of the world, the Inuit culture has developed a sophisticated way to sculpt kids' behavior without yelling or scolding. Could discipline... (2019)
The long read: Every baffled new parent goes searching for answers in baby manuals. But what they really offer is the reassuring fantasy that life’... (2018)
Physicist Dominic Walliman tells you how to share what you know in a way that will land with others. (2019)
The relationship between people and the state has allowed an effective national programme to cut the rates of teenagers smoking and drinking to exc... (2020)
Chances are, there's something on this list you're missing. (2017)