Bill Gates and Washington State Teacher of the Year Camille Jones shars an engineering lesson (2017)
Bill Gates, 2017: "Washington State Teacher of the Year Camille Jones shows Bill Gates a neat trick using coins, index cards, and a little ingenui... (2017)
virtually explore the International Space Station - Google Maps (2017)
VR painting & modelling tools for artists 2018 - Features - Digital Arts From painting to 3D modelling, we look at what VR apps are currently av... (2018)
ARISS lets students worldwide experience the excitement of talking directly with crew members of the International Space Station, inspiring them to... (2018)
Click on one of the physics simulations below... you'll see them animating in real time, and be able to interact with them by dragging objects or c... (2018)
Mathematically Correct Breakfast How to Slice a Bagel into Two Linked Halves George W. Hart (2018)
You can use Bernoulli's principle to explain how planes fly—but that isn't the only way. (2018)
To understand Bernoulli's principle, it helps to think of air as a bunch of tiny balls. Recently, I wrote about how it's possible to explain the... (2018)
Many U.S. cities are wrestling with how to build a healthy “pipeline” of tech talent. But too often those solutions are limited to the addition of ... (2018)
A database of paper airplane folding designs and instructions (2018)
If you haven’t built and launched water rockets with your kid, you’re missing out on an awesome project. With 10 bucks or so worth of parts, an air... (2018)
On chilly Saturday mornings my father would fire up the kerosene heater and get the back of our garage warm. He’d turn on the old radio, constantly... (2018)
TED: Tyler DeWitt (2017)
Tinkercad is a free, easy-to-use app for 3D design, electronics, and coding. Tinkercad is a free, easy-to-use app for 3D design, electronics, an... (2020)