If you spend hours and hours of studying, without improving your grades, or information retention, then learn how to study smart by Marty Lobdell. ... (2018)
Hard-working, but incompetent. Users try harder, but are less competent | Science & technology. Officially, the stimulant drugs are used to tre... (2023)
Dr. Marty Lobdell's "Study Less Study Smart" lecture is an excellent hour-long overview of how to study effectively. If you're pressed for time, th... (2018)
These study strategies go beyond the basics - memorization techniques, methods of fighting procrastination by hacking akrasia, a way to win the res... (2018)
Regardless of a child’s age or challenges, parents can encourage sound homework routines for a successful start to the school year. (2019)
Don't make studying for your next exam harder than it has to be! Here's five strategies, backed by cognitive science, to ace your next big test. (2019)
Struggling to motivate yourself to study? What if you could train yourself to enjoy studying instead? Here's four steps to learn to enjoy studying.... (2018)