what could a library become in the future? here is a collection of articles and thoughts about Re-thinking Libraries
We created the Design Thinking for Libraries toolkit to introduce a way of working that will help you understand the needs of your patrons and enga... (2018)
Three new books for bibliophiles dig into the hidden human side of book collections... (2018)
"We think libraries are even more vital in this new civic information environment. It is not sufficient for them to survive, they need to expand a... (2018)
This crucial institution is being neglected just when we need it the most. (2018)
A Forbes column arguing that Amazon should replace libraries grossly underestimates how many services libraries offer. (2018)
How American Cities Got Their Libraries: A visual exploration of how a critical piece of social infrastructure came to be. (2019)
A new book celebrates some of the world’s most beautiful libraries, with many of its entries in Europe. Cameron Laux looks at how they have carried... (2019)
Ronald Clark’s father was custodian of a branch of the New York Public Library at a time when caretakers, along with their families, lived in the b... (2019)
One man’s love letter to finding higher horizons among the stacks. (2018)
Yesterday, the Internet Archive filed our response to the lawsuit brought by four commercial publishers to end the practice of Controlled Digital L... (2020)