Wikipedia - issues of accuracy, bias, misinformation
Internet Archive - database of books, music, movies, history
what could a library become in the future? here is a collection of articles and thoughts about R...
a collection of articles about Tags, Archives, Information Architecture and the Internet
what could a library become in the future? here is a collection of articles and thoughts about R...
Morgan Stanley wealth management deploys GPT-4 to organize its vast knowledge base. (2023)
How the culture wars came for Wikipedia’s articles about human intelligence. (2022)
A stroll through the archives of Editor & Publisher shows an industry with moments of glory and shame — and evidence that not all of today's proble... (2021)
Schools have been on a mission to reinvent campus libraries—even though students just want the basics. (2019)
Libraries have long been central to college campuses. In fact, one way colleges have measured their greatness has been to boast about the size of t... (2019)
Archive of Our Own, AO3 - the fanfiction database recently nominated for a Hugo, has perfected a system of tagging that the rest of the web could e... (2019)
A new book celebrates some of the world’s most beautiful libraries, with many of its entries in Europe. Cameron Laux looks at how they have carried... (2019)
How American Cities Got Their Libraries: A visual exploration of how a critical piece of social infrastructure came to be. (2019)
A Forbes column arguing that Amazon should replace libraries grossly underestimates how many services libraries offer. (2018)
Three new books for bibliophiles dig into the hidden human side of book collections... (2018)
"We think libraries are even more vital in this new civic information environment. It is not sufficient for them to survive, they need to expand a... (2018)
We created the Design Thinking for Libraries toolkit to introduce a way of working that will help you understand the needs of your patrons and enga... (2018)
Web design is tricky. Designers and developers have to take a lot of things into account when designing a website, from visual appearance (how the ... (2017)