a collection of articles and resources to help aspiring writers
David shares how to find success by writing online. Read here. (2022)
Startup founders: Here's why you should improve writing skills and practical advice for how to become a better writer. (2020)
Listen to this episode from The Tim Ferriss Show on Spotify. Neil Gaiman — The Interview I've Waited 20 Years to Do | Brought to you by Athletic Gr... (2022)
What interviewing an author a week for several years has taught me about finishing my novel (2018)
"In the old days, when mathematics journals were all published on paper, there were hard budgetary constraints on the number of pages available in ... (2017)
#1 : The Secrets of Songwriting First the bad news. I’ve been writing (mostly guitar orientated) songs for over 20 years now, and there are no secr... (2016)
Focus on why you’re right for the job and how badly you want it. (2014)
Medium, 2013: "Why behavior matters more than outcomes. If I waited to be inspired, I would be screwed. So I decided, there was only one way I was... (2013)
Winnie Lim – Medium, 2013: "why you should write even if you think nobody is reading...When you write and share your writing, you are putting a pie... (2013)
Dear Quote Investigator: A provocative remark about stories has been attributed to Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Leo Tolstoy, John Gardner, and others... (2018)
““Another English teacher just switched to gym because she couldn’t do it anymore,” a teacher from Georgia recently told me. “I love teaching and h... (2018)
Four ways to get better. (2016)
This is the 10-step blueprint I use to write email, landing page and blog copy that generates $millions in revenue. You can improve your copy (a... (2019)
Who: Paul Graham Claim To Fame: Paul Graham is a computer scientist, venture capitalist, and essayist. He is known for his work on the programming ... (2020)
“When you can’t create you can work.” In 1932-1933, while working on what would become his first published novel, Tropic of Cancer, Miller devis... (2012)
“Never write more than two pages on any subject.” On September 7th, 1982, Ogilvy sent the following internal memo to all agency employees, title... (2012)