a collection of articles and resources to help aspiring (technical) writers
Structure and Style of the Epitome of your Research Georgios Varsamopoulos Department of Computer Science and Engineering Arizona State Univer... (2018)
Express complete ideas. Text, computer input & output all in one document. Call built-in knowledge & stored data. Wolfram Language’s cloud-desktop-... (2017)
by Justin Garrison: "I am not an expert. I have co-authored a single book in 2017 called Cloud Native Infrastructure for O’Reilly Media. Many peop... (2018)
Clear writing is a must. written by Karen Mazurkewich; the head of Communications and Marketing at MaRS Discovery District. In addition to co-fo... (2018)
It’s been 11 years since I’ve written a book. I got tired of all the entitlement — “You should give me your book for free waaaaah…” What incentive ... (2019)
My book, Designing Data-Intensive Applications, recently passed the milestone of 100,000 copies sold. Last year, it was the second-best-selling boo... (2020)
Plain language makes it easier for the public to read, understand, and use government communications. (2020)
If you're going to try to do this, the key idea is to build an audience e.g. an email list. You need to budget 50% of your time to writing the book... (2020)
The Pulitzer prizewinner shares his advice for pleasing readers, editors and yourself. “invaluable editing advice from McCarthy on several scien... (2019)