a collection of articles looking at how blockchain could be used in Education
"Last fall, MIT Media Lab announced that it is developing software to issue digital certificates on the Bitcoin Blockchain. Holberton School has st... (2016)
Today, we’re announcing ResearchCoin, a way for users of ResearchHub to be rewarded for contributing content to ResearchHub. ResearchCoin represent... (2020)
"Take LiveEdu, for example, a Y Combinator-backed online learning company that touts itself as being the “next-gen,” referring to a platf... (2017)
"It’s also worth checking out Learning Is Earning, originally presented by Jane McGonigal at SXSW 2016. Learning Is Earning introduces a concept o... (2018)
The Blockcerts pilot is part of the credentialing ecosystem being developed at the University "The University of Melbourne has become the first ... (2018)
Japanese conglomerate Sony highlights how their technology upgrades create a new high that is helpful to building society. | News | Cointelegraph (2018)
Abstract: "This report introduces the fundamental principles of the Blockchain focusing on its potential for the education sector. It explains how ... (2018)
Department of Computer Science ETH Zurich, Switzerland Abstract—Blockchain is being praised as a technological innovation which allows to revol... (2018)
Wondering how Blockchain Technology In Education can disrupt the latter? Check how Blockchain Technology In Education can affect the latter... (2018)
A group of top-tier Chinese universities plans to build a distributed organization to make educational resources more accessible and affordable... (2018)
Universities in China are joining the country's private sector in an effort to patent blockchain solutions, new filings reveal. (2018)
A group of academics affiliated with Oxford University have proposed a new model of higher education that replaces traditional administrators with ... (2018)
My three children—aged six, eight, and nine—enrolled in a US public school last year (having moved from Europe). Since last fall they’ve already ... (2019)