A collection about Blockchain niche market startup ideas
This is one of several posts on new areas we are exploring for USV’s Climate Fund. Natural resources such as fertile land and healthy oceans are the (2021)
It wasn’t too long ago that Silicon Valley scoffed at cryptocurrencies. All over coffee shops in Mountain View and Menlo Park, you heard the same c... (2017)
The decentralized platform known as blockchain has the potential to increase transparency and change the funding model of journal publishers. "B... (2017)
Abstract: "This report introduces the fundamental principles of the Blockchain focusing on its potential for the education sector. It explains how ... (2018)
Shifting to a distributed, blockchain-based infrastructure could bring huge financial benefits to the asset management industry, research indicates. (2018)
The chief of the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), the city-state's de facto central bank, has spoken of blockchain's potential in internation... (2018)
Blockchain technology startup Civic will demo how its ID verification services can be used to purchase alcohol via vending machines at Consensus 20... (2018)
Blockchain is an innovative solution, but it is not the solution to all problems. (2018)
A new product from Bitwage makes it easier to handle payroll taxes when paying employees in bitcoin or ether. (2019)
One of the most popular soccer clubs in the world is launching a crypto token that it says will boost fan numbers by allowing them to "be heard." (2018)
A few months ago, we launched ResearchCoin (RSC) to help build the ResearchHub community. ResearchHub is working to accelerate scientific research ... (2020)
My friend Seth is an entrepreneur and an artist. I have two of his paintings hanging in my office in NYC. His latest work is taking photographs of ... (2021)