LastWeekTonight, 2017: "Lawmakers often reshape voting districts to shift the balance of political power. That's unfair to voters, even those of us... (2017)
The way we draw our political districts has a huge effect on U.S. politics, but the process is also greatly misunderstood. Gerrymandering has b... (2018)
Redistricting has a huge effect on U.S. politics but is greatly misunderstood. This project uncovers what’s really broken, what's not and whether g... (2018)
The following tweet has been making the rounds on social media. Notice that since the Democrats won overall, it would be impossible for Republicans... (2017)
TED ed: "District lines, and the groups of voters within them, may seem arbitrary, but a lot of thought (and political bickering) is put into thes... (2017)
The ruling was the first time that a federal court had blocked a congressional map because the judges believed it to be a partisan gerrymander. (2018)
Washington Post, 2017: "On Tuesday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a major case, Gill v. Whitford, that for the first time might impose ... (2017)
This morning America’s Supreme Court hears a case pitting Republican voters in Maryland against (2018)
The court on Monday, in twin partisan gerrymandering cases from Wisconsin and Maryland, said either that challengers didn't have standing or didn't... (2018)
Voters Not Politicians gathered an astounding 425,000 signatures in Michigan to secure a spot on the November ballot for a proposed constitutional ... (2018)