a collection of articles about Heart Disease, Health
Excessive sitting was linked to higher levels of troponins, the same proteins released after a heart attack. (2017)
In this exclusive excerpt from 'Ticker: The Quest to Create an Artificial Heart,' world-renowned Houston surgeon Bud Frazier races to help an ailin... (2018)
New report highlights battle by the industry to counter sugar’s negative health effects, and the cushy relationship between food companies and rese... (2016)
Thinning in brain regions important for memory linked to sedentary habits Studies show that too much sitting, like smoking, increases the risk ... (2018)
Few doctors, and even fewer patients, have heard of CHIP. But it is emerging as a major cause of heart attacks and stroke, as deadly as high blood ... (2018)
Why develop an exercise habit now? Because 75-year-olds who've been doing it for decades may have the cardiovascular systems of people in their 40s... (2018)
A growing number of studies are raising concerns about the coronavirus’ long-term effects on the heart. Athletes especially need to heed the warnin... (2020)